Monday, June 11, 2012

The Track Super Star!

Meghan Vogel is a track star,
That ended a race as a super star,
Because she rather,
Help another,
Great sportsmanship was more important by far,

Quote of the Day:
“One man practicing sportsmanship is better than a hundred teaching it.”
Knute Rockne (1888 – 1931)

The Story and Commentary:
Meghan Vogel lost the race, in fact, she came in last place, but in everyone’s eyes she was the true “Winner!”

She had earlier won the 1,600-meter-race, but this time she noticed that one of her opponents, Arden McMath, had collapsed. Meghan immediately did something that she knew would “disqualify” her from winning the race; she picked up her opponent and helped her to the finish line.

Not only did she help her to the finish line, but also made sure that she passed the line in front of her.

Her actions greatly inspired the crowd! Everyone cheered and roared with approval of her actions. All attention was on this great act of sportsmanship. The crowd no longer cared about the “winner” of the race or anything else.

Meghan Vogel immediately became the true “winner” and a “Super Star!”

You may ask, “What’s the big deal? Why is this a story at all? Or who cares!”

Well, personally I do believe this is a noteworthy story, just because sportsmanship of this level is so hard to find these days. Most young people today are wrapped into their own little worlds and care only about themselves.

I give a standing ovation to Meghan and want her to have as much recognition as possible. Maybe her story will inspire other young people to think of others the same way she did.

Please pass this story on to a young person(s) that needs inspiration.

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