Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
My News Limerick:
There once was a stuffed cat quadrotor,
Orvillecopter” was built to soar,
Killed by a car,
Now a furry flying star,
Will PETA like or totally deplore?

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
Quote of the Day:
“Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was suspect.”
Steven Wright(1955 - )

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
Story and Commentary:
Dutch artist, Bart Jansen, has created “Orvillecopter”. A quadrotordrone made from his dead cat. “Orvillecopter” is the “Terminator” of the cat taxidermy world. It’s half taxidermy and half remote-controlled Lotus T580. This half cat and half machine were named after Orville Wright of the famous Wright Brothers.

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
Orvillecopter may have been killed by a car, but instead of going six feet under he went to the skies. Spending afterlife chasing birds, dogs, cattle, and any other critters his owner chooses for him.

What does PETA think of this? Is this animal cruelty or a true form of love between cat and owner?

Just think, if there is a cat spirit. Is it possible that the spirit will be able to see through the eyes of the deceased?

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
Probably not, but I do not have a problem with this. I think Bart Jansen found a unique and creative way to memorialize his late friend.

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