Under fire from liberals, and the gay,
Calling for protests,
And gay-kissing contests,
I want to “Eat Mor Chikin” all Day!
Leviticus 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”
“Guilty as charged.” Dan Cathy’s response when asked if Chick-fil-A had an established position against same-sex marriage.

Many of the people that will protest against Chick-fil-A are self-proclaimed Christians or at least support Christian principles. One must be either blind or mentally ill to advocate something that goes against one’s own beliefs.
What really infuriates me is how “two-faced” these liberals are; they constantly go around preaching “tolerance, tolerance! We must accept everyone!” However, as soon as someone or especially a successful restaurant such as Chick-fil-A disagree with their beliefs, Oh Boy! Now it is on, “Tolerance!” is the last thing they will get.
A majority of companies in the U.S. have a pro same sex marriage stance. Do you see Christian and anti same sex marriage groups protesting against them? No, and you will not because the truth is they are the true “Tolerant!” sect of people in America.
How do the liberal hypocrites look into a mirror and go to bed at night? Many of the most powerful liberals are very, very smart people. One must know that they know they live a lie every day. I really think many of these people must be evil or just do not have a conscience.
Someone please answer this question, why is ok to have one opinion, but not another? Why is it ok for companies to support gay marriage, but a “taboo” not to? Does not each have the same right to either agree or disagree with something?
This is what I think needs to be done. Those that oppose same sex marriage need to become just as motivated and “Stand” with Chick-fil-A. We clearly outnumber them at least 3 to 1 and will break their little “pro-gay-rights” campaign and protest against Chick-fil-A; but it will not stop there, we will also prove to these “two-face” cronies that America is still a “Christian” nation and going against those values is “great-for-the-business” they are attacking.
I will not be surprised if this protest “backfires” on this movement and Chick-fil-A’s sales “go-through-the roof” and I pray that they do!
I know one thing, Chick-fil-A is now my favorite restaurant and I make a pledge right now to take myself and my family there as often as possible for as long as they continue to support the same values that I do.
The question is, “Will you join me?”
I wouldn't doubt that the chicken they are selling is laced with mind control drugs so that when the time comes, all you sheep and followers who flocked to the place right away to support their bigot stand to tell others how to live their lives, I'd laugh to learn you all are the start of the zombie apocolypse HAHAHAHA
DeleteYou are either not playing fair and making up lies or you are totally ignorant of the truth. Dan Cathy never has said or supported anything to try and tell anyone how to live their lives. He has only said that his company was founded on Christian beliefs. One Christian belief is that homosexuality is a sin. His only crime is having the same belief system that about 80% of all Americans share. The only difference between him and most others is he actually has the "guts" to say what he believes. Tell me this, what mind control drugs are you and many other liberals on to believe that Mr. Cathy does not have the same 1st Amendment right to "Freedom of Speech" as you do? I am sure that Mr. Cathy and many other Christians such as myself pray for the souls of these people, but it is not our job to tell them "how to live their lives", we leave that up to the Holy Spirit!