Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Budweiser Beer Named After Czech town!

Drinking is not a sin ... Getting Drunk is!

1 Timothy 5:23 "Don't drink only water. You ought to drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach because you are sick so often."

Ephesians 5:18 "Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin you life."

Budweiser Beer Named After Czech town!Many know that European beers are commonly named after the town the brewery is located. For example, Pilsners are named after the town of Plzen and Licher is named after the German town of Lich; but many do not know that Budweiser is named after a beer brewed in Bömische Budweis breweries in a Czech town with the German name of Budweis. The name Budweiser is the locative meaning “of Budweis.” In 1876, Adolphus Busch was inspired by the beer and took the recipe and the name halfway around the world to the good ole U.S.A. The “Budweiser” brand was so popular that other brewing companies also made “Budweiser”. Some of these companies you may recognize are Miller, Schlitz and Dubois. Dubois was the last to stop making “Budweiser” in the late 1970s.

Friday, July 27, 2012

What do You Think This Alleged Monster is?

What do You Think This Alleged Monster is?
My News Limerick:
New York's East River washed up a  beast, 
It is quite the mystery, to say the least,
Quite undeniable, 
It's undefinable,
Let's bury it and thank God it's deceased!

Quote of the Day:
"When he is best, he is a little worse than a man; and when he is worst, he is a little better than a beast." William Shakespeare (1564-1610), The Merchant of Venice, Act I, sc. 2

Oh my goodness! What the heck is this thing? The popular "Rivers Monsters" star Jeremy Wade said this:

What do You Think This Alleged Monster is?
"From my previous incarnation as a biology teacher I can say it's not a pig: pigs have characteristic cloven feet, which this animal hasn't got. The teeth also look wrong for a pig. From the picture it's hard to get a sense of scale — some kind of rodent would be my guess, and it's common for dead bodies to swell in water, which can give them a grotesque appearance, not to mention crabs etc. Partially eating soft parts of the face. Not to be ruled out, but unlikely in this case, is the assembly of hybrid animals by taxidermists, from bits of several unrelated creatures. This practice used to be popular in Japan, and I once saw a shrine dedicated to such an animal, not that I'm suggesting that should be the fate of this unfortunate beast." 

What do you think it is?

Can You Guess How Much Two Young Entrepreneurs Earned Running a Lemonade Stand?

Can You Guess How Much Two Young Entrepreneurs Earned Running a Lemonade Stand?
My News Limerick:
Marcus and Christopher wanted to go to a show,
But didn't have enough money for their family to go,
Without anyone's consent,
They earned every red cent,
Now have plenty to travel and some to blow!

Quote of the Day:
"I'm convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance. Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Can You Guess How Much Two Young Entrepreneurs Earned Running a Lemonade Stand?
Man, perseverance is a true statement when describing these two young entrepreneurs; but another word comes to my mind when I think about what they have accomplished. I call it a true "American Spirit". These two young men just taught every America a very important life lesson. That is success comes through hard work, determination, and ingenuity.

What would most kids do if they needed money? Most would go ask their parents! In comparison, what do many Americans do when they need money or assistance. They go to the government for a handout.

Can You Guess How Much Two Young Entrepreneurs Earned Running a Lemonade Stand?
The lesson learned here is this; these two young boys understood that in order to find a way to accomplish their goal of traveling to Dallas, they need to find a way to make the money on their own. With a little thought and a lot of ingenuity they accomplished this goal through none other than a simple lemonade stand. They worked 11 hour days for a few weeks and earned over 2,000 dollars. Enough the finance the trip and plenty left over which they plan to donate to charity.

Can You Guess How Much Two Young Entrepreneurs Earned Running a Lemonade Stand?
If more Americans would learn this valuable lesson. They too could reap the rewards of hard work and ingenuity. America can no longer be the mommy and daddy of poor Americans. One can argue that many with disabilities or the elderly need government assistance and I believe this statement is true. But, those that are physically and mentally able should not receive handouts from hard-working Americans like me.

Off to Jail because of Home Bible Studies

There once was a man named Salman,
Treated like a Christian in Iran,
Held criminally liable,
For teaching the Bible,
Would it be ok to teach Quran?

Verse of the Day
“Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” James 3:1 (ESV)

Quote of the Day
“The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people.” G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936)

Michael Salman, was recently sentenced by a Phoenix, Arizona court to serve 60 days of jail and fined $12,180.

What was the crime? Was it Tax evasion, wife or child abuse, or maybe failure to pay parking violations? No, not even close; it was for having Bible classes in his home. You are probably telling yourself right now that something else must be involved here; it cannot be possible that someone was arrested for this!

Nope, it is a pretty “cut-to-chase” story here. The only thing different about his Bible study than most is it became so popular that he built a small “garage-type” building in his back yard to support the numbers of attendees. The city of Phoenix now believes this building should meet the same law requirements as a church and is in violation of 67 city codes. Michael Salman had this to say:

“They’re cracking down on religious activities and religious use. They’re attacking what I, as a Christian, do in the privacy of my home … If I had people coming to my home on a regular basis for poker night or Monday Night Football, it would be permitted. But when someone says to us we are not allowed to gather because of religious purposes, that is when you have discrimination.”

This is frightening! To what extent should the government have control? What is next? If we are not careful, it will be illegal to have backyard BBQ’s because it is a fire hazard or you may need a city permit to have an Avon party in your house because your house is residential and not commercial.

Ask yourself this question. What if this man was a Muslim and teaching the Quran in his backyard? Do you believe he would face the same troubles with the law? Of course not! We all know this would have been politically incorrect and the liberal media would have had a “field day” with it!

Let me ask you another question. Did you hear about this story from the liberal media or was reading my blog your first knowledge of the facts. More than likely, your answer was the later because it would have also been “politically incorrect” for the liberal media to give coverage to a story that shows how insanely stupid our laws have become.

The left does not want to talk about these subjects because they know that most Americans would side with Mr. Salman and demand justice for him. They know that we would demand changes in laws like this or we will vote someone in that will change the laws. Friends, the truth is, they want everyone to be politically ignorant of these topics because control and power is what they desire.

The liberals will stop until every American has complete dependence upon the government. It is time that we “start smelling the roses” and wake up! The survival of our 1st amendment rights and American values is swiftly coming to an end if we do nothing.

Chick-fil-A is now my Favorite Restaurant!

A tasty food eatery called Chick-fil-A,
Under fire from liberals, and the gay,
Calling for protests,
And gay-kissing contests,
I want to “Eat Mor Chikin” all Day!

Leviticus 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”
“Guilty as charged.” Dan Cathy’s response when asked if Chick-fil-A had an established position against same-sex marriage.

I would have to say that my response would be the same as Dan Cathy’s “Guilty as Charged” and if truth were told, the same for a majority of people in the United States. But, we all know that the truth will not be told because the liberal media and Obama’s blind lemmings will say and do whatever their Dictator-in-Chief commands them!

Many of the people that will protest against Chick-fil-A are self-proclaimed Christians or at least support Christian principles. One must be either blind or mentally ill to advocate something that goes against one’s own beliefs.

What really infuriates me is how “two-faced” these liberals are; they constantly go around preaching “tolerance, tolerance! We must accept everyone!” However, as soon as someone or especially a successful restaurant such as Chick-fil-A disagree with their beliefs, Oh Boy! Now it is on, “Tolerance!” is the last thing they will get. 

A majority of companies in the U.S. have a pro same sex marriage stance. Do you see Christian and anti same sex marriage groups protesting against them? No, and you will not because the truth is they are the true “Tolerant!” sect of people in America.

How do the liberal hypocrites look into a mirror and go to bed at night? Many of the most powerful liberals are very, very smart people. One must know that they know they live a lie every day. I really think many of these people must be evil or just do not have a conscience.

Someone please answer this question, why is ok to have one opinion, but not another? Why is it ok for companies to support gay marriage, but a “taboo” not to? Does not each have the same right to either agree or disagree with something?

This is what I think needs to be done. Those that oppose same sex marriage need to become just as motivated and “Stand” with Chick-fil-A. We clearly outnumber them at least 3 to 1 and will break their little “pro-gay-rights” campaign and protest against Chick-fil-A; but it will not stop there, we will also prove to these “two-face” cronies that America is still a “Christian” nation and going against those values is “great-for-the-business” they are attacking. 

I will not be surprised if this protest “backfires” on this movement and Chick-fil-A’s sales “go-through-the roof” and I pray that they do!

I know one thing, Chick-fil-A is now my favorite restaurant and I make a pledge right now to take myself and my family there as often as possible for as long as they continue to support the same values that I do.

The question is, “Will you join me?”