There once was a man named Salman,
Treated like a Christian in Iran,
Held criminally liable,
For teaching the Bible,
Would it be ok to teach Quran?
Verse of the Day
“Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” James 3:1 (ESV)
Quote of the Day
“The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people.” G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936)
Michael Salman, was recently sentenced by a Phoenix, Arizona court to serve 60 days of jail and fined $12,180.
What was the crime? Was it Tax evasion, wife or child abuse, or maybe failure to pay parking violations? No, not even close; it was for having Bible classes in his home. You are probably telling yourself right now that something else must be involved here; it cannot be possible that someone was arrested for this!
Nope, it is a pretty “cut-to-chase” story here. The only thing different about his Bible study than most is it became so popular that he built a small “garage-type” building in his back yard to support the numbers of attendees. The city of Phoenix now believes this building should meet the same law requirements as a church and is in violation of 67 city codes. Michael Salman had this to say:
“They’re cracking down on religious activities and religious use. They’re attacking what I, as a Christian, do in the privacy of my home … If I had people coming to my home on a regular basis for poker night or Monday Night Football, it would be permitted. But when someone says to us we are not allowed to gather because of religious purposes, that is when you have discrimination.”
This is frightening! To what extent should the government have control? What is next? If we are not careful, it will be illegal to have backyard BBQ’s because it is a fire hazard or you may need a city permit to have an Avon party in your house because your house is residential and not commercial.
Ask yourself this question. What if this man was a Muslim and teaching the Quran in his backyard? Do you believe he would face the same troubles with the law? Of course not! We all know this would have been politically incorrect and the liberal media would have had a “field day” with it!
Let me ask you another question. Did you hear about this story from the liberal media or was reading my blog your first knowledge of the facts. More than likely, your answer was the later because it would have also been “politically incorrect” for the liberal media to give coverage to a story that shows how insanely stupid our laws have become.
The left does not want to talk about these subjects because they know that most Americans would side with Mr. Salman and demand justice for him. They know that we would demand changes in laws like this or we will vote someone in that will change the laws. Friends, the truth is, they want everyone to be politically ignorant of these topics because control and power is what they desire.
The liberals will stop until every American has complete dependence upon the government. It is time that we “start smelling the roses” and wake up! The survival of our 1st amendment rights and American values is swiftly coming to an end if we do nothing.