Friday, August 10, 2012

How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!

How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!

How low can the Liberals go?

How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!
Representative Allen West (R) is more than just a Conservative (Tea) Party Conservative; he is also a decorated American War Veteran.

His Democratic challenger's father launched an attack ad against him depicted him repeatedly punching an elderly woman in the face.  Then the ad shows him hitting another lady and stealing from a family.

How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!In Response, Rep. Allen West said this to Breitbart News,

"I spent my life in uniform fighting for our great nation and protecting all Americans. The ad being run against me by my opponent's family depicting violence against women and senior citizens is reprehensible ... It plays on stereotypes and fear to divide Americans, and it cheapens the very real and tragic occurrences of violence against women and seniors ... The American people are suffering from crushing debt, horrific tax and regulatory policies, and epic unemployment. This classless ad shows a lack of regard for the issues plaguing our nation."

How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!Good for you Rep. West! This is one of the things that I like about Allen West, he is not afraid to "Stand up" for himself and his beliefs. This is also one of the reasons why the Liberal hate him so much and the Tea Party loves him so. I would vote for this man in a heartbeat on his principles and values alone. He truly is one of my top role models! I sure do wish Romney would learn a "thing-or-two" from him.

I hope these trashy, "below-the-belt", ads backfire in the two-faced liberals faces!

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