Friday, August 10, 2012

Three Special Forces Soldiers Murdered by Afghans!

An Afghan police commander along with several of his men intentionally lured three U.S. Special Forces Soldiers into a fake dinner and meeting, then ambushed and murdered them. 
A senior Afghan official told Reuters this, "During dinner, the police commander and his colleagues shot them and then fled. The commander was Afghan National Police in charge of local police in Sangin … It looks like he had drawn up a plan to kill them previously."
According to NATO, there have been 24 attacks like this since January and 31 people have been killed. Last year, there were 21 attacks and 35 people were killed.

I have served three tours in the Middle East and can personally attest. These people cannot be trusted. The only thing these people understand and respect is violence. We are wasting our time playing the negotiation game with a society that has no concept of what this means. The facts are there and prove that this is so; it is time to do one of two things. Either pack-up, leave and let these people destroy themselves from within or let our Soldiers do what they do best. Take off the chains and allow them to beat these animals into submission.

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