Friday, August 17, 2012

Mom and Dad Kill Their Daughter Because She Refused to Marry 1st Cousin

Psalm 106:38 "They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters."

Yes, you guessed it. It is another case of "honor-killing" from our favorite "religion of peace!" This beautiful girl you see in the image to the right was killed in a team effort by both her Mom and Dad because she brought embarrassment to the family by refusing to go along with an arranged marriage to her 1st cousin in Pakistan.

It was only because she was born in England, that she had the right to denign the marriage in the first place. If she had been born in Pakistan like her mother and father, she would have not had the choice and would have probaly been stoned to death for defying her father's orders. I guess her father and mother forgot that when you become a member of a civilized society, killing your children no longer becomes a legal option when they disobey or embarrass the family.

Justice Roderick Evans said this to the father and mother after sentencing them to life in prison, "She was being squeezed between two cultures — the culture and way of life that she saw around her and wanted to embrace, and the culture and way of life you wanted to impose on her,"

All that Shafilea wanted to do, was be like the other girls she went to school with and became friends with; her troubles began at age 10 when she began to rebel against her parents' strict rules. She was severly punished when caught using make-up and changing into western clothes at school.

The turning point in the trial was the testimony of her younger sister, Alesha, who was 12 years old at the time of the murder. The jury was captivated when they heard her 1st hand account of the events that happened on the night of her sister's murder.

She described how an argument broke out between her parents and Shafilea over the dress she was wearing, then her parents pushed her down on the couch and stuffed a plastic bag into her mouth and held her nose closed until she died. She remembered how her mother said, "just finish it here" while her sister was struggling for her life.

In Britain alone, there have been more than 25 women that have died from "honor killings" in the last decade. In every case the family claims that the girl brought "shame" onto the family because she adopted western ways. There have been several similar case in America also; just recently a young Muslim girl was ran over by a car by her father because he believed her to have embarrassed the family and adopted "western ways."

I would like to know why there is no public outcry from the leaders of Muslim communities? Every Muslim leader should stand up and condemn these deplorable actions. Why do they not make the message clear that this type of behavior will not be tolerated? 

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