Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
My News Limerick:
There once was a stuffed cat quadrotor,
Orvillecopter” was built to soar,
Killed by a car,
Now a furry flying star,
Will PETA like or totally deplore?

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
Quote of the Day:
“Curiosity killed the cat, but for a while I was suspect.”
Steven Wright(1955 - )

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
Story and Commentary:
Dutch artist, Bart Jansen, has created “Orvillecopter”. A quadrotordrone made from his dead cat. “Orvillecopter” is the “Terminator” of the cat taxidermy world. It’s half taxidermy and half remote-controlled Lotus T580. This half cat and half machine were named after Orville Wright of the famous Wright Brothers.

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
Orvillecopter may have been killed by a car, but instead of going six feet under he went to the skies. Spending afterlife chasing birds, dogs, cattle, and any other critters his owner chooses for him.

What does PETA think of this? Is this animal cruelty or a true form of love between cat and owner?

Just think, if there is a cat spirit. Is it possible that the spirit will be able to see through the eyes of the deceased?

"Orvillecopter" the Quadrotor
Probably not, but I do not have a problem with this. I think Bart Jansen found a unique and creative way to memorialize his late friend.

Arby's Urinal Malfunction Makes McDonald's Coffee Burn Look Like Child's Play

Arby's Urinal Malfunction Makes McDonald's Coffee Burn Look Like Child's Play
My Limerick News:
There once was a man from Colorado,
An Arby’s fan he is no mo,
A urinal malfunction,
While performing a bodily function,
Burned his ‘Willie’ and full of woe!

Famous Quote:
“See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.”
Robin Williams (1951 - )

The Story and Commentary:
Arby's Urinal Malfunction Makes McDonald's Coffee Burn Look Like Child's PlayKenneth DeJoie filed a lawsuit against Arby’s. Why? He claims that while he was doing his business in the urinal, there was a malfunction and a hot “jet of steam” shot out and scalded his genitals.

Of course, he immediately complained to an employee and this was the response, “We have that bathroom problem again,”

Arby's Urinal Malfunction Makes McDonald's Coffee Burn Look Like Child's Play
DeJoie’s complaint charges that the management knew about the plumbing problem, but failed to do anything about it.

DeJoies wife also joined the suit by claiming that she has suffered a loss of consortium.

All I have to say is this; this suit sure beats the heck out of the McDonald’s coffee burn lawsuit. Speaking from a man’s point of view, I believe Dejoies has one heck of a case and if these allegations are true, he truly deserves reparation.


 - )

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Track Super Star!

Meghan Vogel is a track star,
That ended a race as a super star,
Because she rather,
Help another,
Great sportsmanship was more important by far,

Quote of the Day:
“One man practicing sportsmanship is better than a hundred teaching it.”
Knute Rockne (1888 – 1931)

The Story and Commentary:
Meghan Vogel lost the race, in fact, she came in last place, but in everyone’s eyes she was the true “Winner!”

She had earlier won the 1,600-meter-race, but this time she noticed that one of her opponents, Arden McMath, had collapsed. Meghan immediately did something that she knew would “disqualify” her from winning the race; she picked up her opponent and helped her to the finish line.

Not only did she help her to the finish line, but also made sure that she passed the line in front of her.

Her actions greatly inspired the crowd! Everyone cheered and roared with approval of her actions. All attention was on this great act of sportsmanship. The crowd no longer cared about the “winner” of the race or anything else.

Meghan Vogel immediately became the true “winner” and a “Super Star!”

You may ask, “What’s the big deal? Why is this a story at all? Or who cares!”

Well, personally I do believe this is a noteworthy story, just because sportsmanship of this level is so hard to find these days. Most young people today are wrapped into their own little worlds and care only about themselves.

I give a standing ovation to Meghan and want her to have as much recognition as possible. Maybe her story will inspire other young people to think of others the same way she did.

Please pass this story on to a young person(s) that needs inspiration.


Friday, June 1, 2012

The True Federal Deficit!

"The merchants of the world will weep and mourn for her, for there is no one left to buy their goods." Revelation 18:11

The 'state' of our economy is dismally bad,
Learning the truth makes you really mad,
What Congress tells us,
Doesn't fully address,
Trillions that businesses would have to add,

"There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers."
Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988)

Did you know that the official federal deficit numbers that Congress tells us leaves out something that would be illegal for any business in the United States?

The difference between Congress and businesses is that Congress does not have to operate under GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Under these rules, businesses must report the cost of promised retirement benefits. This is also true for states and local governments, but not for Congress.

This graph from USA TODAY shows the actual federal deficit if Congress had to follow the same rules as "everyone else." In 2011, Congress reported a federal deficit of 1.3 Trillion, but the real number should of been 5 Trillion. That is a difference of 3.7 Trillion dollars.

USA TODAY reported, "Liabilities for Social Security, Medicare and other retirement programs rose by $3.7 trillion in 2011, but the amount was not registered on the government's books."

Below are some [block quotes] from USA TODAY:
  • Social Security had the biggest financial slide. The government would need $22.2 trillion today, set aside and earning interest, to cover benefits promised to current workers and retirees beyond what taxes will cover. That's $9.5 trillion more than was needed in 2004.
  • Deficits from 2004 to 2011 would be six times the official total of $5.6 trillion reported.

  • Federal debt and retiree commitments equal $561,254 per household. By contrast, an average household owes a combined $116,057 for mortgages, car loans and other debts.

How are we, as a nation, going to solve this problem? We have got to recycle the idiots in Washington and elect true conservatives. I am not talking about another Bush or people like a majority of "so called" conservative we have in office now. We need "grass-roots" Tea Party Patriots elected and go in and "clean house." If this is not done soon, I truly believe this country "as we know it" is over.

Did you know that if we paid $1 a second on our deficit it would take over 480,000 years to pay off the existing debt we have right now! How much more can we take before our economy totally collapses. I do not think it is much longer. Please, Lord help us!

What are your thoughts?
