Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Earl Jones Kills Intruder!

Earl Jones, 92 year old WWII Vet
Protecting yourself is not murder
Exodus 22:2-3 "If a thief is caught in the act of breaking into a house and is struck and killed in the process, the person who killed the thief is not guilty of murder."

A 92-year-old WWII veteran shot an intruder who attempted to rob his Kentucky home and two other intruders were lucky to escape with their lives.

Earl Jones Shoots and Kills Suspected Robber at Kentucky Home
Donnie Inabnit, 20

The three men broke into Earl Jones' basement about 2:40 a.m. and as the first of the "Three Stooges", Lloyd Maxwell, came up to the top of the basement stairs to the first floor; Mr Jones was sitting in his "Lazy-Boy" with a loaded .22 rifle aimed at the door.
The WWII Vet took careful aim and fired one shot into the leader's chest. The wounded robber along with his two accomplices, Donnie Inabnit and Ryan Dalton, immediately fled the home and escaped in their 2001 Chevy Impala.

 The "Three Stooges" made up a story and tried to get Maxwell medical attention, but died later of his injuries.

Earl Jones Shoots and Kills Suspected Robber at Kentucky Home
Ryan Dalton, 22
Jones said this to the news, "Somebody got into the basement, this is a full basement and I was on the bed fixing to go to bed ... And I'm very sensitive, I was in the military, you have to have good ears. And I heard something just as I sat down, 'clonk, clon, clonk,' and I said well somebody is in the basement and he's going to come upstairs. So I heard him when he was coming up the steps, I had the gun so I was sitting there when he opened the door."
Earl Jones
"I've been robbed so much in the past five weeks, I said it's going to have to be a message to the people. The only way you going to stop this is you [going to] have to leave one laying in the grass. That's the only way you're [going to] stop it."

Thank God, that Mr. Jones is not facing any charges. This is the way things should be!

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