Friday, September 21, 2012

Obama "American" Flag

Arrogance is an understatement

Obama "American" Flag
Anyone that has anything to do with this should be ashamed! It does not matter if one created it or supports it. It is a disgrace! The one that should be most ashamed is President Obama, for allowing it to happen.

God's Holy Word says, "I, the LORD, will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their sin. I will crush the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the mighty." Isaiah 13:11 NLT

Of course there is arrogance on all sides of the political spectrum, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc. etc. etc.
But, the Democratic party just seems to reek of it! No one likes to admit they are wrong or made a mistake, but the Liberals never do. Everything is always someone else's fault. Just think about it, Obama has been President for almost 4 years now and they are still blaming Bush for the dismal economy and high unemployment. When will the Democrats finally take ownership of our nation's terrible situation?

The Bible describes Liberals this way, "Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests. By smooth talk and glowing words they deceive innocent people." Romans 16:18 NLT

Obama "American" Flag
Most of the people who support Democrats are not evil people. Most are very good people, but they are deceived and ignorant of the truth behind the Liberal agenda. They believe Democrats are fighting for them, when the truth is they are fighting against them, fighting for their own personal political interests.  Of course, one may argue that Republicans do the same thing and I would tell you, "Yes, you are right, but at least Republicans do not dream and plot to change our great Capitalist Republic into a Socialist Marxist Utopia."

Most Democrat supporters do not understand this part. They are ignorant to the true Liberal agenda and the ones that are not ignorant, either do not want to or refuse to accept the truth. Take a close look at the liberal platform and just try to stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself it is not true. Everything from Social to Economic Justice to spreading the wealth to forcing government dependence onto the people, every major liberal agenda falls directly in line with Carl Marx's theories.

If you are middle to upper class, you are the bourgeoisie "in the eyes" of the liberals.

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