Monday, September 10, 2012

God Works in Mysterious Ways!

God Works in Mysterious Ways!

Ecclesiastes 11:5 "Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother's womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things."

God Works in Mysterious Ways!

For the last couple of weeks my family has been involved in a Garage Sale. One of the items for sale was an antique Duncan Fife table just like in the picture to the right. Last weekend, a stranger by the name of Janelle was really interested in buying the table but left and told us that she wanted to think over buying the table because it had some damage and needs repair. Janelle did return the next day and bought the table. She promised that she would hire a wood working expert to repair the table and return it to a "like-new" condition.
This last weekend, Janelle noticed that we were having the Garage Sale for a second weekend in a row and dropped in for a third visit to see if she could find anything interesting.

God Works in Mysterious Ways!
As she was browsing through my "Ole Kentucky Home" garage, she overheard my Dad talking about our hometown in Tennessee. We were surprised to hear her tell us how she was from the same small city and asked us if we knew any of her family that still lived there. We were all shocked to learn that we knew her family very well. In fact, my Dad and I both previously worked with her nephew. I then jokingly made a remark about how I sold him a car that he never finished paying for; she was astonished and it was apparent that she thought very highly of her nephew. She mentioned how everything was willed to him and he is a well-respected member of the city council. She then did something that no one expected; she took out her checkbook and immediately wrote a check for the full amount owed by her nephew. My wife and I told her that doing this was not necessary, but she would not "hear of it!" She was animate that it was God's will that our paths crossed and she would not leave us alone until she paid me.

Jesus commanded, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." Mark 16:15 NLT

The funny thing is, my wife and I have been thinking about how we could come up with some money to support a missionary trip for our church missionary. We believe that God "set-into-motion" these series of events that allowed for us to receive money for a debt that was forgiven over 19 years ago. Every cent of this money will go to the missionary trip to Honduras.

To God be the Glory!

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