Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Glorious Presence of my Savior

The Glorious Presence of my Savior

The Glorious Presence of my Savior

I don’t often blog on the subject of Christian humor, but this cartoon does a pretty darn good job of depicting how I feel about someday being in the glorious presence of my Savior, Jesus Christ! Not that I believe I will be overly happy because I am astonished that I made it into heaven like the guy depicted, but because of my astonishment of Jesus wanting to be with a sinner such as me.

Going to Heaven should not be a worry for any Christian believer because of the very popular and well-known John 3:16 verse:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

While this is not an issue for me, many others say they have a hard time in believing because they need proof; they need hard evidence.

I believe that they are blind! I say to them that the evidence they are looking for is all around them, but Satan has hardened their hearts and blinding them from seeing it. The evidence is in the beautiful and marvelous world our God had created because He loves them.

Just take a look at the countless stars at night and the endless blue sky during the day. Take a look at the majestic animals on the land and the mysterious creatures of the sea God gave us for our enjoyment and to eat. Take a microscope and look at the complexities of a single cell that scientist still cannot understand somehow came to life, but believe resulted from a “Big Bang” and entirely by chance.

I submit to them that evidence of God is everywhere. Just open your eyes and for the first time in your God-given life truly SEE IT!

No, my belief in God and my Lord Jesus Christ is not an issue; thus my knowledge of being in the presence of my Savior in Heaven someday is a guarantee for me and all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Like the beautiful gospel lyrics read, “What a day of rejoicing it will be!”

What I cannot understand is how my God, the One that created this beautiful world loved sinful old me so much that He gave His only Son Jesus to suffer and die on Cavalry!

What amazes me more is Jesus actually did it!

He did not have to, He could have summoned a legion of Angels at any moment to save Him. But He did not; Why? Because He loves me and wants me to spend eternity in Heaven with Him.

Do you see how Jesus looks just as much forward to seeing us in Heaven as we do Him.

That’s why, just like the picture below, I will am astonished to be in the presence of my Savior!

You should be astonished too!

It is better to live on the floor of Heaven than to be the ruler of Hell. Why? Because the ruler of Hell is eternally separated from our Father!


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