Sunday, May 19, 2013

Transgender Bathroom Rights

Transgender Bathroom Rights

Transgender Bathroom Rights
What in blazes is the world coming to? Did you know there is a hot national debate on transgender bathroom rights? There is growing support that America’s laws are not fair to those that believe they are a different gender than what is on their birth certificate. Liberal attorneys and lawyers are pushing legislature that changes the current laws on the books to allow transgender people to choose which bathroom to use.

I am sure there are transgender people out there that do feel as if they are discriminated against and many may be uncomfortable using the bathroom with the same-sex as listed on their birth certificate, but I have news for them.

Transgender Bathroom Rights
I too, sometimes feel uncomfortable about using a public bathroom because I know that gay men can legally walk right in and stalk whomever they want. Maybe other men can relate with me on this; I know I am not the first guy that knew some gay guy was in the bathroom checking him out. One may ask, “How do you know he is gay?” and I would admit is hard to prove. But, sometimes the way someone dresses and talks is enough to make you 99% sure. All that matters is we know it happens, but we learn to live with it.

I submit that the proposal to allow transgender people into the bathroom of their choosing is completely fair as long as I get a bathroom that is for “straight” people only! Of course, this would have to apply to both males and females. Then, we would need bathrooms for those that are “gay” only because there may be some that feel uncomfortable being in a bathroom with straight people. While we are at it, how about bathrooms just for the transgender and other bathrooms only for transgender and gays. Of course, all these ideas are ridiculous because all of them are unenforceable.

In a complicated society such as ours, we all know that we will never make everyone happy. The only course of action is the best one, the one that makes the most sense for the majority of the people. Most Americans are straight people and transgender people make up a very small percentage of our population. So, why in the world are we going to allow such a small percentage of people the legal authority to “peep” and make good God-fearing people such as myself very uncomfortable in public bathrooms? 

Transgender Bathroom RightsEven as a liberal woman, you can’t tell me you would not think it would be a little creepy if someone who is clearly a guy that thinks he is a girl walks into the bathroom and starts talking to you while you are relieving yourself. You may not even have to see him to know because the baritone in his voice is unlike any other woman you have heard before and suggest that he could only be a man. Heck, some woman I know would immediately scream and run out of the bathroom. Some others would probably kick him in the groin and hit him over the head with their purse and call him a “pervert!” Personally, I think he deserves the latter.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes by Billie Jean King:

    Everyone has people in their lives that are gay, lesbian or transgender or bisexual.
    They may not want to admit it, but I guarantee they know somebody.

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