Friday, May 18, 2012

The "Sacred Sacrifice"

The "Sacred Sacrifice"
My News Limerick:
A Saudi Arabian man full of pride,
Has a peculiar way of making money on the side,
Auctioned off his son,
Sold them one by one,
The other sons already sold to die,

Quote of the Day:
“I have given two cousins to war and I stand ready to sacrifice my wife’s brother.”
Artemus Ward (1834 – 1867)

The "Sacred Sacrifice"
My Commentary:
Another sick and gruesome story from our “Religion of Love” allies in Saudi Arabia. But wait, Shhhhhhhhhhh!We should all follow the liberal’s advice and be tolerant of others. Maybe if we are tolerant and accepting of their Sharia Law, then maybe they will change.

I do not care what religion you are or if you do not have any religion? How perverse is it to sell off your sons to die? This Saudi Arabian man is not only doing it, but happy and proud to do it!

There is no doubt in my mind that something is seriously wrong with Islamic extremists. Every levelheaded Muslim leader in the world should stand up and condemn these actions, but they will not. How often do you hear these leaders condemning these despicable actions?  At best, we very rarely hear anything from them.

The "Sacred Sacrifice"
Let us put the “shoe on the other foot” for a minute and make a comparison between Muslims and Christians. How do Christian leaders react when Christian extremist do terrible acts? First, most probably feel the same as I do, Very ashamed and do not believe they are “true” believers and followers of Christ. Most important is that they are very quick to condemn their actions. I would also like to point out that terrorist attacks by Christian extremist are very rare compared to large daily amounts Muslim extremist have. Maybe that is it! Could it be that Muslim leaders are numb to the horror of their believers because terrorist violence happens daily within their ranks? No, I do not think so either!

The "Sacred Sacrifice"
During research on this story, I read countless comments asking, “Where’s the mother?” and I thought to myself, “Idiots, are people really this ignorant?” Do you not know that the mother has less say so in this matter than their family goat? The mother is at home with the other “sister wives” praying that she is not the next one on the “chopping block!” Even if she tried to stand up to her husband, she would be a victim of a “mercy killing!”

What are your thoughts?

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