Thursday, May 3, 2012

'Don't Cross God'

My Limerick Story:
Woonsocket is in a fight to keep a cross,
From liberals that think their ideology is boss,
Religious tolerance, they will enforce,
Except for Christians of course,
Would a Crescent Moon offend like a cross?

The Story:
Approximately 1,500 Veterans, Christians, and anyone with a halfway level head on their shoulders came out to support a WWII memorial in a park in Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

The FFRF, Freedom from Religion Foundation, demanded that the ninety-one year old monument be removed from public lands because it has a cross on top.

Woonsocket’s mayor, Leo Fontaine, coined the phrase, “Don’t Cross God,” and is determined to keep the monument on city property and said the monument is not about religion or forcing it on anyone, but about honoring four local residents killed in WWI and II.

Major Gen. Reginald Centracchio, the former head of the Rhode Island National Guard, organized the pro-cross rally. Gen. Centracchiotold the crowd, “Than monument stays where it is, how it is,”

Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the FFRF, said this, “The law is on our side. We are not against veterans in any way. It isn’t necessary to honor veterans with a cross on public property … I think that reason is not prevailing right now. This is a lot of blowhards and emotion. Maybe they’ll get it out of their system.”

My Personal View:
Liberals are always quick to preach religious tolerance when it comes to Muslims, but Christians are always fair game. It amazes me how people do not see the religious persecution against Christians. To prove my point, I would like to present a scenario.

Replace the Christians in this story with Muslims and the Atheists with Christians and what do you get.

The answer is a major headline story!

Just imagine if Christians even attempted to remove an Islamic symbol from anywhere. The liberal media, Hollywood and the President would be all over them.

The exact same thing is happening to Christians every day in America and we do not hear a ‘peep’ from mainstream media outlets. With an exception of Fox News, one would have to go to a conservative outlet to find anything reported on these stories.

One of the signs in the photo says it best, “Freedom of Religion, not Freedom from Religion,” A cross on top of a monument does not in any way force religion upon anyone.

This is no different from the two Mosques I often drive by in my hometown. The sight of the crescent and moon on top does not offend me, nor does it make me feel like I a pressure to convert to Islam. Heck, it sounds ridiculous for me to suggest such a notion!

Here lies the problem, how has it become socially acceptable to believe atheists are truly offended by Christian symbols such as a cross or a nativity scene? The truth is they are not; they are no more offended by a cross than I am by a crescent and moon.

We must stop believing their lies and stop the attack on Christian values and beliefs. We must stand up and fight now before it is too late.

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