Monday, May 7, 2012

Rep. Allen West and "chuckleheads"

My News Limerick:
Have you ever met a “chucklehead?”
“Inept and incompetent”, just like West said,
The best way to slaughter,
Is like a shark in the water,
“Blood” draws an attack until politically dead!

Famous Quote:
“Sharks are as tough as those football fans who take their shirts off during games in Chicago in January, only more intelligent.
Dave Barry (1947 - )

2 Kings 3:22
“And when they rose early in the morning and the sun shone on the water, the Moabites saw the water opposite them as red as blood.”

My Commentary:
Allen West is without a doubt one of my favorite political figures. I would quickly support him for President or almost anything, because he has such a level head and collected persona to him. He has a very high level of charisma; which is needed in the Republican Party.

Another proof of his charisma was seen at a speech delivered to the Broward Republican Executive Committee in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

He encouraged Americans to “fight back against … liberal progressivism,” and exposed the Liberals plight to create fear and separation with in America.

Rep. West referred to the protestors outside of his address as “chuckleheads.” He said, “A chucklehead is a person who is so inept and incompetent that all you can do is look at them and laugh,”

Then, Rep. West explained how the nation’s economic survival is at risk,
“This is a moral discussion we’ve having in this country, because we’re talking about what we’re going to leave for our children and grandchildren,”

He then made a statement on his feelings on Liberals,
“I feel sorry for them because for whatever reason they don’t know the essence of the greatness of the United States of America.”

West then talked about how to fight the ideological battlefield that will ultimately control the nation’s political landscape,
“You must be like sharks that smell blood in the water and you must attack … Ladies and gentlemen, you don’t win on defense. You win on offense.”

We need more politicians like Allen West! His direct no nonsense approach only says what everyone else is scared to say.

I think our Nation has a chance if we go out, find more politicians like Rep. West, and vote them into office!

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