My News Limerick:
Will Smith talks about finance,
Supports a higher tax stance,
Found his “Lovitz Curve”,
Millions he must preserve,
Very thankful to not live in France,
Famous Quote of the Day:
“France is the only country where the money falls apart and you can’t tear the toilet paper.”
Billy Wilder (1906-2002)
YouTube Video:
My Commentary:
Shortly after actor and comedian Jon Lovitz’s “bulls**t” rant against President Obama’s taxation policies went viral, Zombie, a blogger for PJ Media, posted the “Lovitz Curve” theory. Named after the famous “Laffer Curve,” the “Lovitz Curve” theory is that rich leftist such as Will Smith are comfortable with taxation and paying their “fair share” only up to a certain point. That point is the “Lovitz Curve.”
Liberal thinking really does “blow my mind!” I simply cannot understand it. Will Smith said, “America has been fantastic to me. I have no problem paying whatever I need to pay to keep my country growing.”

He said this, but clearly, his expressions showed different. Anyone could easily tell and he admitted himself that 75 percent was excessively much to pay. That is why he said, “God bless America!”
Therefore, my question to all the liberals out there is this.
How much should we pay? How much are you willing to pay? What is your “Lovitz Curve?” Should it be 50%, 60%, 70%, or more?
What exactly is the fair amount to pay?
I am constantly hearing liberals say, “The rich should pay more!” Nevertheless, I never hear anyone say how much more. Please, someone tell me, how much more should they pay?
I attest that the taxes our rich pay now are already more than fair. In fact, what they pay in taxes is in fact very unfair to our rich. The average rich person in America pays about 35% right now.
Now compare this to the fact that approximately 50% of Americans pay nothing in taxes or actually make money off tax refunds.
The only way to make taxes fair would be to implement a Flat Tax. Only when every American pays an equal percentage in taxes will they finally be fair.
Of course, liberals will tell you that a flat tax is not fair for many different reasons.
They will say the rich do not need all that money and we should “redistribute the wealth” to the poor.
The fact is most of them will invest the money back into the economy and create jobs. So, what happens when taxes take away large portions of these excesses? The rich stop investing and YES, you guessed it. Jobs are no longer created!
Wake up America! The liberals, the champions of the poor, are not helping you at all! In fact, they are hurting you very badly. Of course, if you want entitlements, you want Welfare, Medicare, and Obama Care. All the social programs that our country cannot afford anymore, then the Democrats are the right choice. But, understand that these programs are not helping the root cause of our #1 problem in America right now.
We need Jobs!
What do you think?
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