Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Jihad is Coming our Way

My News Limerick:
Hamas, Hezbollah, and Muslim Brotherhood,
Many say they are misunderstood,
“Jihad is coming our way”
Do not be lead astray,
By liberals that believe everything is good,

Verses of the Day:
John 16:2 (ESV)
“They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.”

Matthew 5:43-48 (ESV)
“But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,”

Quran Chapter: 2 Verse: 193
“And fight them until there is no more Fitnah,” (disbelief and non-Islamic behavior, discussion, politics, or religion) “and religion and politics is only for Allah. But if they cease, let there be no hostility except against infidel disbelievers."

Quote of the Day:
“If you overpower your enemy, then pardon him by way of thankfulness to Allah, for being able to subdue him.”
Hazrat Ali Ibn-e-Abi Talib, Nahj-ul-Balagha (Sermons and sayings Compiliation)

The Story:
Muslims have been ordered to fight until the only religion is Islam - world conquest. Even when they have overrun the world, there shall be no safe haven for "infidel disbelievers". This is as clear as a swastika.

As one can see, there is a fundamental opposing teaching philosophy difference between the Christian and Islam religions. I have only given you one example of this in the verses above. The Quran and the Bible have other verses that support these two opposing doctrines.

The Christian religion makes it clear to believers to “Love your enemies as yourself” and to “turn the other cheek”. This is evident in society today. Even after 9-11 and all the other attacks on us by Islam, we still to this day teachforgiveness and understanding.

I support this, but make something else very clear. There is a fine line between forgiveness and ignorance. We should continue to forgive, but also not forget that these attacks will continue. We cannot be stupid enough to believe loving our enemies will change them. We must take the appropriate steps to protect ourselves. We can continue to love our enemies while we defend ourselves.

The Islam religion also makes one of their teaching doctrines very clear.  Numerous verses in the Quran involve fighting, killing, defeat, etc. of the infidel.

Who are the infidels in the eyes of the Islamic extremist? Infidels are you, me, and any other person that has “conformed” to the “culture of the West”! Another definition would be any civilized society that does not live in accordance to “Sharia Law”.

This is the law that gives rights to “Honor Killings” and no rights to women and children in the Islam society. Women and children living under these laws are equal to the rights of an animal. Not only do they not have any rights, but also are bought and sold like camels. Muslim women are not even allowed to drive a car.

I will never forget, one time while serving in Iraq a local national attempted to buy my daughter for forty camels. Not long after that, another Iraqi tried to sell me his daughter. This illustrates the huge cultural barriers that separate our society from theirs. This gap cannot be breached by understanding or love.

This is a battle of cultural influence on each other’s society. The question is, which side is influencing or infiltrating the other the most? I cannot speak for our influence into their society because I do not live there, but all of us can see the influence Islam has on our own society.

Before influence can be successful, there first must be infiltration into the society. Below are some Muslims that have a high degree of influence within our current administration.

Salam al-Marayati, Founder and Executive Director of Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC): Marayati is an Iraqi immigrant that was nominated over a decade ago to serve on the National Commission on Terrorism. His nomination was withdrawn because of his active defense of Hezbollah and other Islamic groups. One of the founding members of MPAC, Hassan Hathout, was also a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood and a former Egyptian prisoner. MPAC supports the Hezbollah “liberation movement.”

Arif Alikahn, Former Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for Policy Development: He is presently serving as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of DHS and Counterterrorism at the National Defense University. Alikahn was prior Deputy Mayor for Public Safety in Los Angeles and reportedly sabotaged LAPD’s attempts to monitor radical mosques within the city that supported 9/11 hijackers. He has affiliations with MPAC.

Rashad Hussain, State Department Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation: The Global Muslim brotherhood Daily Report uncovered that Hussain spoke at the Association of Muslim Social Scientists which was sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood. Hussein also spoke at the Saudi funded Muslim Brotherhood directed Prince Alwaleed Center for Muslim Christian Understanding of Georgetown University. Hussain also participates in  a Muslim Brotherhood founded front group Muslim Students Association's annual conference. 
Mohamed Elibiarey, Homeland Security Advisory Committee Member: The former president of the Freedom and Justice Foundation, which was billed to "promote a Centrist Puble Policy environment in Texas by coordinating the state level government and interfaith community relations for the organized Texas Muslim community." In 2004, he spoke in Dallas at a conference praising the "Great Islamic Visionary" Ayatollah Khomeini. Recently, he is famous for leaking highly sensitive intelligence documents to media in Texas.

My personal view:
So, let me ask this question again; Who is the most successive at the infiltration of the other's culture and setting roots in the other's leadership. I do not know, but Islam has one good start with ours. 


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