Deuteronomy 5:17 "You must not Murder."
Recently, while speaking about his daughters, President Obama said, "I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."
According to recently secured documents from the Immigration and Naturalization Services, evidence has emerged that President Obama's father sent a young Kenyan girl he had impregnated to England for an abortion because it was still illegal to have an abortion in the U.S.
How ironic, the most liberal pro-abortion U.S. president of all time may have faced abortion himself, but there was one major problem. The landmark Roe v. Wade did not happen until 1973, several years after Obama's birth and abortion was still illegal in the U.S. One could argue that the unplanned birth of little Barry may have not happen at all if abortion was legalized a few years earlier. One would think that he would think a little differently about shoving a steel object into the brain stems of babies, considering that a similar fate could have befell him.
I am not one to enjoy the use of images such as these for my argument against abortion, but maybe if some of these were posted in abortion clinics around the nation, women would think twice before murdering the little human being inside of them. Any scientist would tell you that "Life" begins upon the instance of conception in the womb. How one could even conceive of arguing that the image to the left is of anything other than what used-to-be a living human being with a soul is very confusing to me. Anyone who thinks this is anything different than a murdered human being is doing nothing more than lying to him or herself and should be ashamed to call them self a rational-thinking person.
How do you look into a mirror and live with yourself?
Is that what babies are now, "a punishment"; and what kind of morals and values is he teaching? Certainly, not the Christian values that my wife and I teach our children.
All I can say is, "Like father, like son!"