Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Obama Was Almost Aborted!

Deuteronomy 5:17 "You must not Murder."

Obama Was Almost Aborted!
According to recently secured documents from the Immigration and Naturalization Services, evidence has emerged that President Obama's father sent a young Kenyan girl he had impregnated to England for an abortion because it was still illegal to have an abortion in the U.S.

Obama Was Almost Aborted!
How ironic, the most liberal pro-abortion U.S. president of all time may have faced abortion himself, but there was one major problem. The landmark Roe v. Wade did not happen until 1973, several years after Obama's birth and abortion was still illegal in the U.S. One could argue that the unplanned birth of little Barry may have not happen at all if abortion was legalized a few years earlier. One would think that he would think a little differently about shoving a steel object into the brain stems of babies, considering that a similar fate could have befell him.
Obama Was Almost Aborted!
I am not one to enjoy the use of images such as these for my argument against abortion, but maybe if some of these were posted in abortion clinics around the nation, women would think twice before murdering the little human being inside of them. Any scientist would tell you that "Life" begins upon the instance of conception in the womb. How one could even conceive of arguing that the image to the left is of anything other than what used-to-be a living human being with a soul is very confusing to me. Anyone who thinks this is anything different than a murdered human being is doing nothing more than lying to him or herself and should be ashamed to call them self a rational-thinking person.

How do you look into a mirror and live with yourself?

Obama Was Almost Aborted!Recently, while speaking about his daughters, President Obama said, "I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

Is that what babies are now, "a punishment"; and what kind of morals and values is he teaching? Certainly, not the Christian values that my wife and I teach our children.

All I can say is, "Like father, like son!"

Saturday, August 25, 2012

2016: Obama's America Opens #1 at the Box Office

2016: Obama's America Opens #1 at the Box Office
John 8:32 "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
I knew IT!
Many didn't think it could happen, but I knew it would. Why? Because it doesn't matter if you are Democratic, Republican, or Independent; it doesn't matter if you are Christian, Muslim, or Atheist. What matters is if you care about your country! What matters is "Do you believe America is heading in the right direction?" Do you think, Obama's "Hope and Change" is very different from what you imagined and the change that you see is very very bad for your country.

2016: Obama's America Opens #1 at the Box Office
I believe many Americans are very confused and want answers to the questions stated above and many more. I believe most Americans think they know a lot about our president, but are starting to realize that they don't. They are very curious to learn why their president says he is one thing, but his actions support something entirely different.

Is this the reason why "2016 the movie", a movie that was expected by many to not do very well ended up blowing away other "big-budget" Hollywood blockbusters such as "The Expendables 2" 3-to-1 while only showing in 1/3 less theaters.

2016: Obama's America Opens #1 at the Box Office
Yes, you heard correctly. This movie only opened in about 1/3 the number of movie theaters as most other Hollywood hits and somehow took in almost 3 times the amount of money.

Why is it that only 1/3 of the movie theaters are showing this movie? I believe it has something to do the liberal agenda of the entire industry, starting with Hollywood. It's common knowledge that the majority of Hollywood is liberal. If I remember correctly, the last time Michael Moore came out with a movie, it seemed like it was showing everywhere.

This leaves a very big question for me. Now that "2016" has done so well on opening day, will more theaters want to "cash-in" and start showing the movie? All I can say is "I sure hope so!"

I have to admit, I haven't seen this movie yet, but I plan to today. I am very excited to learn more about this very mysterious president.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Mom and Dad Kill Their Daughter Because She Refused to Marry 1st Cousin

Psalm 106:38 "They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters."

Yes, you guessed it. It is another case of "honor-killing" from our favorite "religion of peace!" This beautiful girl you see in the image to the right was killed in a team effort by both her Mom and Dad because she brought embarrassment to the family by refusing to go along with an arranged marriage to her 1st cousin in Pakistan.

It was only because she was born in England, that she had the right to denign the marriage in the first place. If she had been born in Pakistan like her mother and father, she would have not had the choice and would have probaly been stoned to death for defying her father's orders. I guess her father and mother forgot that when you become a member of a civilized society, killing your children no longer becomes a legal option when they disobey or embarrass the family.

Justice Roderick Evans said this to the father and mother after sentencing them to life in prison, "She was being squeezed between two cultures — the culture and way of life that she saw around her and wanted to embrace, and the culture and way of life you wanted to impose on her,"

All that Shafilea wanted to do, was be like the other girls she went to school with and became friends with; her troubles began at age 10 when she began to rebel against her parents' strict rules. She was severly punished when caught using make-up and changing into western clothes at school.

The turning point in the trial was the testimony of her younger sister, Alesha, who was 12 years old at the time of the murder. The jury was captivated when they heard her 1st hand account of the events that happened on the night of her sister's murder.

She described how an argument broke out between her parents and Shafilea over the dress she was wearing, then her parents pushed her down on the couch and stuffed a plastic bag into her mouth and held her nose closed until she died. She remembered how her mother said, "just finish it here" while her sister was struggling for her life.

In Britain alone, there have been more than 25 women that have died from "honor killings" in the last decade. In every case the family claims that the girl brought "shame" onto the family because she adopted western ways. There have been several similar case in America also; just recently a young Muslim girl was ran over by a car by her father because he believed her to have embarrassed the family and adopted "western ways."

I would like to know why there is no public outcry from the leaders of Muslim communities? Every Muslim leader should stand up and condemn these deplorable actions. Why do they not make the message clear that this type of behavior will not be tolerated? 

Thursday, August 16, 2012


God wants everyone to pay taxes
Romans 13:6-7 "Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons. For government workers need to be paid. They are serving God in what they doe. Give to everyone what you owe them: Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them, and give respect and honor those who are in authority."
Approximately, 1% of tax payers pay 40% of the taxes and about 50% of Americans pay no taxes at all.
Would someone please tell me why Obama thinks it is fair for the rich to pay more? How can the majority of Liberals condemn Governor Romney for only paying an average of 13% of his income for the last ten years when many of their core supporter do not pay anything? On top of his taxes, Romney gives generously to charity, which amounts to over 20% of his yearly income. Compared to many of his opponents that  pay little to nothing into taxes and give nothing to charity.

Governor Romney recently released this statement, "I did go back and look at my taxes and over the past 10 years I never paid less than 13%. I think the most recent year is 13.6 or something like that. So I paid taxes every single year." Did you know that this equates to $21.7 million that he paid into taxes in one year. How much did you pay?

I believe the Democrats have good reason to keep the focus on Romney's taxes. They will do anything to keep the focus off of the important issues that everyone wants to discuss and Obama's record of failure.

Romney identifies this very well, "I just have to say, given the challenges that America faces — 23 million people out of work, Iran about to become nuclear, one out of six Americans in poverty — the fascination with taxes I've paid I find to be very small-minded compared to the brad issues that we face."

What is really appalling the me is many Liberals are very rich as well. In fact, Harry Reid the main instigator behind the effort to push Romney to release his taxes is very rich himself. Is it not hypocritical for him to ask for public release of Romney's tax returns when he has never done so himself?

What about some other very popular rich democrats such as Ted and John Kennedy and John Kerry. Why were they not expected to release their tax returns?

First, we must remember that there is no legal obligation for a political candidate to release his or her taxes in the first place. By doing so, Romney is a pioneer and should be praised for his willingness to do so. As far as  I can remember, he is the first to do it. Whether we want to admit it or not, rich Americans do drive our economy and are major influence on the economy. If we want American to succeed and flourish, we need these people to continue their innovations and build successful businesses that make jobs for the public sector. It does not make sense to support a government that punishes them for their success. If we want our country to continue to be successful, we need a government that rewards their success and applies principles that encourages economic growth.

After 4 years of failure, maybe we need a "change"; someone that understands something about success and business growth. That candidate is Mitt Romney.

Obama, Grew up Worshiping the Monkey God and Eating Dogs

Obama, Grew up Worshiping the Monkey God and Eating Dogs
Exodus 34:14 NLT
"You must worship no other gods, but only the LORD,"

18% of America's do not want to vote for Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon, but did you know that Barack Obama worshiped the monkey god, Hanuman, when he was a child. He also regularly ate some exotic animals that most Americans would find taboo such as dog meat.  He also lived among some very exotic animals.

You may ask, how do know such a thing. You may of received your information from some crazy right-wing source. Actually, I heard Barack Obama's own voice say these things in his audio book,  "Dreams from My Father."

Here are some excerpts from the book,

Obama, Grew up Worshiping the Monkey God and Eating Dogs
"There, standing astride the road, was a towering giant at least ten stories tall, with the body of a man and the face of an ape, 'That's Hanuman' Lolo said as we circled the statue, 'The Monkey God." I turned around in my seat, mesmerized by the solitary figure, so dark against the sun, poised to leap into the sky as puny traffic swirled around its feet. 'He's a great warrior,' Lolo said firmly. strong as a hundred men. When he fights the demons, he's never defeated. "

"Away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy)."

"In the backyard, we found what seemed like a small zoo, chickens and ducks running every which way, a big yellow dog with a baleful howl, two birds of paradise, a white cockatoo, and finally two baby crocodiles, half submerged in a fenced-off pond toward the edge of the compound."

Obama, Grew up Worshiping the Monkey God and Eating Dogs
Do you find it strange that many Americans have a problem with voting for a Mormon, but do not care that the sitting president spent much of his childhood in Indonesia worshiping a monkey god, living among exotic animals and eating most of them, to include dogs.

How many people do you know that have a history as strange as this one? The next time a liberal tells you that it is hard in America for those that are "different" to succeed. You just tell them to look at the president of the United States. If he can make it in America, you can too!


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obama Bypasses Congress on Illegal Immigrant Issue

Did you Know?

President Obama signed an executive order that allows illegal immigrants to live and openly work in the United States. This forces immigration officials to defer deportations. This means that immigrants can fill out an application to stay and work in the United States even though he or she illegally entered the border.

This comes after congress failed to pass the DREAM Act.

Do you believe the President should have the authority to by-pass Congressional ruling. It is common knowledge that a majority of American do not support this action.

You decide!


Monday, August 13, 2012

Obama Administration's Top 5 Secrets

Obama Administrations Devastating SecretsRevealed in The Corruption Chronicles

Tom Fitton's new book, "The Corruption Chronicles" outlines the top 5 secrets the Obama administration would like to keep from you. However, liberals should not dismiss this book; they just may find some interesting reading because it also takes a look at corruption in the Clinton and Bush administration as well. Although, the book covers Washington corruption through three administrations, the author admitted that the amount of material on corruption for President Obama alone was more than enough to write more than one book. Tom Fitton believes this is a book that everyone should read because it takes a look at Washington corruption on both sides of the political spectrum, Republican and Democrat.

Obama Administration's Top 5 Secrets
Following are the five most pervasive secrets the Obama administration would like to conceal:

1. Fast and Furious — This is the well known government program that supplied thousands of firearms to murderous criminals in Mexico and just in case you have not heard, Attorney General, Eric Holder, has been found guilty of contempt of Congress and faces possible disbarment.

The most recent story in this case details a cover-up and the possible link between a Mexican drug cartel operative that may have been working undercover for the DEA and a scandal that may prove that the operation was politically motivated. There is already plenty of proof that the Obama administration, especially Eric Holder has gone through great lengths to ensure that documentation of this operation remains out of reach for the American public.

Obama Administration's Top 5 Secrets
2. White House Czars — This subject is something that came under fire during the first of Obama's administration, but has received little to no attention recently. Did you know that Obama has a current count of 45 czars, more than any other president! What is scary about these czars is that unlike most presidential appointments, these individual have no congressional oversight like traditional presidential appointments. They do not have to go Senate confirmation and have unprecedented authority over major aspects of government policy. Their roles in government are secretive in nature and we may never know what impact they have had on our government's policy.

Obama Administration's Top 5 Secrets
3. Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac — These government-sponsored mortgage companies are described in Fitton's book as "never before has so much money been spent with so little oversight." One of the most controversial stories is how these companies have spent millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to defend three executives associated with the company. However the Obama administration has claimed that there is no need for either Freddie or Fannie to release any documents related to the money spent protecting these individuals.

Obama Administration's Top 5 Secrets4. Bin Laden Raid Details — Fitton says that President Barack Obama "is playing politics wit Bin Laden's death and ignoring the rule of law — especially the transparency laws that his appointees violates with impunity .. I suspect the Obama administration is embarrassed by the burial ceremony, which explains our having to go to court to get basic information about this important piece of history."

5. Justice Elena Kagan helped craft Obama Care — It is believe that Justice Kagan agreed to "bless-off" on ObamaCare and was one of the primary reasons why she was hand-picked by President Obama for selection to the U.S. Supreme Court.

As always, you decide.

James Apple 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Illness that Grows Human Nails Instead of Hair

Shanyna Isom Thought to Be the Only Person in the World to Suffer Condition Where Human Nails Grow Instead of Hair
Shanyna wears a wig because all of hair is replaced by nails.

Strange but True!

Illness that Grows Human Nails Instead of Hair

Illness that Grows Human Nails Instead of Hair

In 2009, Shanyna Isom, had an allergic reaction to an asthma medication which lead to an uncontrollable itch and quickly developed into hard bumps all over her body.

It took doctors over two years to figure out that she had a never before diagnosed disease that causes her hair follicles to grow the same type of dead skin as finger or toe nails instead of hair.

It has been more than a year now since all of her hair has been replaced with the nails and she is believed to be the only person in the world with this condition.

Doctors have gotten her symptoms under control through the use of 17 medications, but it still takes help from friends or family for her to get up in the morning and start her day. Due to many of the medication not being covered by state-issued insurance, she has accumulated over $250,000 in medical costs.

If you want to help, the S.A.I. foundation set up a fund to help her with the medical costs.


How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!

How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!

How low can the Liberals go?

How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!
Representative Allen West (R) is more than just a Conservative (Tea) Party Conservative; he is also a decorated American War Veteran.

His Democratic challenger's father launched an attack ad against him depicted him repeatedly punching an elderly woman in the face.  Then the ad shows him hitting another lady and stealing from a family.

How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!In Response, Rep. Allen West said this to Breitbart News,

"I spent my life in uniform fighting for our great nation and protecting all Americans. The ad being run against me by my opponent's family depicting violence against women and senior citizens is reprehensible ... It plays on stereotypes and fear to divide Americans, and it cheapens the very real and tragic occurrences of violence against women and seniors ... The American people are suffering from crushing debt, horrific tax and regulatory policies, and epic unemployment. This classless ad shows a lack of regard for the issues plaguing our nation."

How Low Can the Liberals Go? Check Out Their Strategy Against Rep. Allen West!Good for you Rep. West! This is one of the things that I like about Allen West, he is not afraid to "Stand up" for himself and his beliefs. This is also one of the reasons why the Liberal hate him so much and the Tea Party loves him so. I would vote for this man in a heartbeat on his principles and values alone. He truly is one of my top role models! I sure do wish Romney would learn a "thing-or-two" from him.

I hope these trashy, "below-the-belt", ads backfire in the two-faced liberals faces!

"Fast and Furious" May be Much Worse Than What You Thought it Was!

"Fast and Furious" May be Much Worse Than What You Thought it Was!
Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla
A high-ranking Mexican drug cartel member named Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla which is known as Sinaloa Cartel's "logistics coordinator" claims that "Fast and Furious" had nothing to do with "tracking guns" and get this, he was extradited to Chicago last year to face federal drug charges. Nothing like the sending criminals to a place that elects them to govern. He must feel like he is at home. Anyway, he claims that "Fast and Furious" was part of an elaborate scheme between the U.S. government and Mexico's powerful Sinaloa Cartel to take down rival cartels. He claims it was a "divide and conquer" strategy where the U.S. helps arm  the Sinaloa Cartel in exchange for information that would help the DEA , U.S. Immigration and  Custom Enforcement (ICE) to take down rival drug cartels.

"Fast and Furious" May be Much Worse Than What You Thought it Was!
On top of that, he says that his cartel was allowed a pass to traffic massive amounts of drugs across the border from 2004 to 2009. The agreement was to allow the cartel free-access across our borders with drugs as long as the intelligence kept coming.

As expected, many high-ranking government officials are keeping a close eye on this case, because if any of these claims are true, many high-ranking government officials will have some serious questions to answer to include the Attorney General and possibly the President.

A source within Congress said this,
“Congress won’t get involved in any criminal case until the trial is over and the smoke has cleared … if the allegations prove to hold any truth, there will be some serious legal ramifications.”
Here is an excerpt taken directly from the motion filed in federal court,
"Fast and Furious" May be Much Worse Than What You Thought it Was!
“This strategy, which he calls ‘Divide & Conquer,’ using one drug organization to help against others, is exactly what the Justice Department and its various agencies have implemented in Mexico. In this case, they entered into an agreement with the leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel through, among others, Humberto Loya-Castro, to receive their help in the United States government’s efforts to destroy other cartels.”
“Indeed, United States government agents aided the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel.”
To make matters even worse, Zambada-Niebla claims that he is an undercover DEA informant that was offered immunity for his cooperation. Another excerpt,
“It is estimated that approximately 3,000 people were killed in Mexico as a result of ‘Operation Fast and Furious,’ including law enforcement officers in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico, the headquarters of the Sinaloa cartel. The Department of Justice’s leadership apparently saw this as an ingenious way of combating drug cartel activities.”
"Fast and Furious" May be Much Worse Than What You Thought it Was!
“It has recently been disclosed that in addition to the above-referenced problems with ‘Operation Fast & Furious,’ the DOJ, DEA, and the FBI knew that some of the people who were receiving the weapons that were being allowed to be transported to Mexico, were in fact informants working for those organizations and included some of the leaders of the cartels.”
Even though courts admit that Zambada-Niebla has knowledge of “classified materials”, they say that he has not given sufficient evidence to prove that he was a DEA informant. In April, 2012, a federal judge refused to dismiss charges against him. The judge wrote this,
"Fast and Furious" May be Much Worse Than What You Thought it Was!
“According to the government, [Zambada-Niebla] conveyed his interest and willingness to cooperate with the U.S. government, but the DEA agents told him they ‘were not authorized to meet with him, much less have substantive discussions with him.’”
One may wonder why! Smells like a scandal to me. It is my prediction that “heads will roll” over this one!

Three Special Forces Soldiers Murdered by Afghans!

An Afghan police commander along with several of his men intentionally lured three U.S. Special Forces Soldiers into a fake dinner and meeting, then ambushed and murdered them. 
A senior Afghan official told Reuters this, "During dinner, the police commander and his colleagues shot them and then fled. The commander was Afghan National Police in charge of local police in Sangin … It looks like he had drawn up a plan to kill them previously."
According to NATO, there have been 24 attacks like this since January and 31 people have been killed. Last year, there were 21 attacks and 35 people were killed.

I have served three tours in the Middle East and can personally attest. These people cannot be trusted. The only thing these people understand and respect is violence. We are wasting our time playing the negotiation game with a society that has no concept of what this means. The facts are there and prove that this is so; it is time to do one of two things. Either pack-up, leave and let these people destroy themselves from within or let our Soldiers do what they do best. Take off the chains and allow them to beat these animals into submission.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chick-fil-A is not the only Company with Christian Beliefs

Chick-fil-A is not the only company that shares Christian beliefs. There are other companies that have very similar beliefs and intentionally include these beliefs into their packaging and messages. Some of the most recognizable company brands are Tyson Foods, Forever 21, Interstate Battery, In-N-Out Burger, and Hobby Lobby.

Chick-fil-A is not the only Company with Christian Beliefs
Tyson Foods does not hide its faith either. The company offers chaplain services for all of their employees across America. Employees regularly use these chaplains to pray with them when they saddened by the loss of a loved one or when coping with a family emergency. Tyson's current chairman, John H. Tyson, is a born again Christian that has many of the same beliefs as Chick-fil-A's Dan Cathy and believes that values should not be pushed aside when he enters Tyson's doors. Tyson said this in 2010;

"My faith is just an ongoing evolution, trying to understand what faith in the marketplace looks like, giving people permission to live their faith  seven days a week, ... If people can talk about the football game on Monday, why can't they talk about their faith?"

Tyson is also know for donating very large amounts of food to America's poor and hungry.

Chick-fil-A is not the only Company with Christian Beliefs
Forever 21 was founded by devout Christians, Don and Jin Chang, whom migrated to America in 1981. Their company was originally started in Los Angeles and now have hundreds of locations all over the world. At the bottom of each bag, shoppers will find the popular John 3:16 verse that reads,

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Chick-fil-A is not the only Company with Christian Beliefs
The chairman if Interstate Battery, Norm Miller, is another company leader that publicly discusses his faith in Jesus Christ. He goes to the extent to ask customers to give him prayer advice. His personal testimony on his web site says this,

"Norm Miller is also a believer in God's power to change lives, because it was that power that turned his own life around after years of drinking as hard as he worked,"

Miller actively encourages everyone to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior by repeating this prayer and accepting Jesus into your heart,

Chick-fil-A is not the only Company with Christian Beliefs
"Dear God, I want freedom from the slavery of my sin. I believe Jesus is the Truth, and I accept him now as my Lord and Savior. I ask you for forgiveness of my sins, because he paid for him for me. Please give me the power to live a life pleasing to You. Thank you for this gift of new and eternal life in Christ! In Jesus' name, Amen!"

Just like Forever 21, In-N-Out Burger, is a fast-food chain that is based in California and uses John 3:16 as a way to advertise its faith. The food chain places the verse on the bottom of its drinking cups.

Chick-fil-A is not the only Company with Christian Beliefs
Hobby Lobby is an Oklahoma City-based chain that has something very much in common with Chick-fil-A. It closes its more than 500 stores on Sundays and proudly mentions God on its website. Here are a few of the statements
listed in the company's state of purpose:

"Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with 
Biblical Principles.
Providing a return on the owners' investment, sharing the Lord's blessing with our 
employees, and investing in our community.
We believe that is by God's grace and provision that Hobby Lobby has endured. He 
has been faithful in the past, we trust Him for our future.
It is reported the Hobby Lobby is preparing the build a Bible museum in Washington, D.C.,
just blocks away from the National Mall. It will contain thousands of Biblical artifacts and
its mission will be to help others have a better understanding of the Old and New 


I guess the liberal pro-gay groups should boycott these companies just like Chick-fil-A or 
is it their 1st amendment right to free-speech to believe in what they want?


Bank of America was Bank of Italy

Bank of America was Bank of Italy
On October 17, 1904, Amedeo Giannini, a son of an Italian immigrant to the United States opened the Bank of Italy in a converted saloon in San Francisco. On the first day, the bank collected 28 deposits with a value of $8,780.

Bank of America was Bank of Italy
After an earthquake destroyed the bank in 1907, the bank was running from a plank in the street. The word “bank” came from the Italian word “banca”, which means “a bench or counter.” His “bank” services was an instant success and quickly became popular. In 1928, Giannini changed the name to Bank of America and several branches were soon opened. By 1929, the bank was strong enough to withstand the Great Depression stock crash.   Bank of America would soon become one of the largest financial institutions in the world, but due to poor management, had to receive a government bailout in 2008.