Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another Story Involving the TSA

Another story involving the TSA,
“Fed Up” flier strips down all the way,
This, I assure,
A scene only for the mature,
Mothers, cover your kid’s eyes or run away!

Genesis 3:7 (ESV)
“Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.”

“There’s very little advice in men’s magazines, because men think, I know what I’m doing. Just show me somebody naked.”
Jerry Seinfeld (1954 - )

My View
Does anyone know how many of these stories there are? I lost count a long time ago! It seems as if there is a new story every week involving a TSA complainant.

I want to say that I believe most TSA employees are very good people. They are good people that are following ignorant rules. I do not blame them for doing their job. I blame the government for the “political correct” agenda forced upon the good people.

Someone please tell me, why it is necessary to search granny and 3 year old toddlers? Is there a threat from these people? How many terrorist fit this description anyway? The answer: Zero and that is why our country’s screening techniques are stupid.

Israel is only one country that has a 100% success rate of identifying terrorist threats within their airports. Their primary method to root out terrorists is profiling.

Profiling is the one method that our TSA agents cannot do. Why, because it is not “politically correct” and is considered to be “racial profiling! I find it absurd that the most successful technique for protecting us from our enemies is the only one we cannot use. To excuse my French—this is Bullsh—t! 

I am sorry, but ignorance such as this really makes me angry. How is it ok to physically assault a 90 year old granny and a 3 year old toddler, but not ok to question a foreign national from some country such as Iraq or Pakistan? We can run our hands all over our innocents, but not find out why someone is traveling from the Middle East to America. Why is it, we do everything to protect the so called “rights” of everyone besides our own!

Wake Up America! Help me stop the madness!

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