Thursday, April 5, 2012

Texas Atheist Coverts to Christian

There once was an Atheist named Patrick Greene,
He threatened to sue Athens over a nativity scene,
He suddenly became ill,
And the same Christians helped him heal,
His conversion to Christianity, was so unforeseen!

Matthew 12:30 (ESV)
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”

“If there were no God, there would be no Atheists.”
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936)

Texas Atheist Coverts to Christian

I can not get enough of these kind of stories. This story shows how Christian love and the Holy Spirit can work inside anyone’s soul. Patrick Greene was an Atheist Activist for many years and just recently threatened to sue over a nativity scene in Athens, Texas. Shortly after, he became ill and the same Christians he threatened to sue raised funds for him and his wife. The kind gesture caused him to rethink his stance on faith and has announced that he is now a Christian!

Mr. Greene said this, “There’s been one lingering thought is the back of my head my entire life, and it’s one thought that I’ve never been able to reconcile, and that is the vast difference between all the animals and us,” He said that the theory of evolution did not answer his questions. He now believes those answers lie with God and his belief in Jesus, the Son of God. He said this, “I kind of realized that the questions I was asking you just had to accept on faith without doubting every period and every comma,”

More surprisingly, Mr. Greene has plans to enter the ministry. He wants to join a liberal congregation and start his own chapter of the Rainbow Baptists. He hopes his conversion will inspire more people to read the Bible.

Mr. Greene no longer opposes the nativity scene and even purchased a star for the scene.

Without a doubt, I believe the Christians involved here were lead by the Holy Spirit to help in the way they did. Their faithfulness allowed God to work through them and ultimately brought another lost soul to the Kingdom of Heaven.

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