Monday, April 9, 2012

Tim Tebow Draws Huge Crowd on Easter

A football player named Tim Tebow,
Tebowing”, to let his faith show,
A great role model for our youth,
Because he tells them the truth,
Jesus Christ is the Savior, we should all know!

2 Timothy 2:5 (ESV)
“An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.”

“Sharks are as tough as those football fans who take their shirts off during games in Chicago in January, only more intelligent.”
Dave Barry (1947 - )

Tim Tebow draws huge crowd on Easter Sunday!

A crowd of about 15,000 came to see and hear Tim Tebow on Easter Sunday. He visited the Celebration Church in an outdoor setting about 20 miles north of Austin, Texas; the church pastor said this, “In Christianity, it’s the Pope and Tebow right now,” “We didn’t have enough room to handle the Pope.”

Many people drove hundreds of miles to hear Tebow speak. More than a hundred school buses shuttled people from nearby churches, shopping centers, and colleges. The service featured upbeat Christian songs and had an energizing appeal.
Here are some highlights from Tebow’s 20 minute interview with the church pastor, Joe Champion, “It’s OK to be outspoken about your faith,” He commented on how some athletes do not believe they are role models. “Yes you are. You’re just not a good one,”

Champion asked what he thought needed to change culture in America. Tebow said, “First and foremost is what this country was based on: one nation under God. The more that we can get back to that,”

Thank you Tim and “Keep up the good fight”, May God bless you and your ministry through the testimony of your life!

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