Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Teacher Fired for Organizing Fundraiser for Tayvon Martin Family

I heard of a teacher, who was fired,
Because she was, emotionally inspired,
By the Trayvon Martin case,
And it's political base,
Superintendent, ensured this never transpired!

James 3:1 (ESV)
"Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness."

"Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in terrific bills."
Minna Thomas Antrim

I first want to say that this is an example of where I stand up for someone on the left. If I see something I perceive as an injustice either from the right or left, I will comment on it. I think what was done to this teacher was inexplicably wrong. Everyone, even teachers should have the right to support their belief. The only exception is if this occurs in the classroom. An event outside the classroom would have been totally fine, indoctrination in the classroom would be unacceptable.

Brooke Harris, a teacher for a middle school in Michigan was suddenly fired for her support of the Trayvon Martin family. She tried to organize a rally to financially support Trayvon's family. Her principle at her middle schools signed off on the fundraiser, but the superintendent said no.
Harris said this, "I was told I was a bad teacher, that I was being unprofessional, that I'm being paid to teach, not the be an activist. When I tried to defend myself, it was construed as insubordination."

Harris continued, "I asked her if she could please tell me what I did wrong to come to the first meeting," "After I asked that question twice, she never gave me an answer — then she fired me."

The Superintendent says that activism has nothing to do with the firing, she only disapproved the protest because exams were coming up soon.

David Walid, executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American—Islamic Relations said this, "It taught the students who tried to organize and tried to raise their voice in terms of social justice that they will be repressed," "Instead of empowering our children … the Pontiac Academy is actually teaching children to internalize oppression and internalize racism."

I believe that the accusations against George Zimmerman without proper evidence is wrong and very disturbing, but Americans still have a right to voice their opinion and support causes they believe in. I am a conservative and believe everyone, either left or right has this right. To fire a teacher over her support of either side would be wrong. I would just as much support anyone who wishes to support George Zimmerman and his family. What are your thoughts?







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