Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ted Nugent During NRA Convention

Ted Nugent, during an NRA convention,
Made a remark bringing heated attention,
“Chop their heads off in November”,
Ignited the Leftist ember,
Should a metaphor cause such contention?

2 Peters 3:16(ESV)
“As he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.”

“God gave us the gift of life. It is the most precious gift ever. To be unarmed is to be helpless to protect that gift; that is outright irresponsible.”
Ted Nugent

The Story

The liberal media are outraged over a metaphor by Ted Nugent during last weekend’s NRA convention. Some reports say that he was questioned by the Secret Service.

Here is Ted’s explanation to talk radio host, Joe Pags.

“First of all, I’m the master of metaphors…and nobody needs an interpreter when I speak except Wasserman Schultz and the Marxist czars in the Obama administration and the ultra-leftist America-hating media out there. So I think everybody knows what I meant.”

“Obviously our American dream is dead if this president continues to spend our great great grandchildren’s money at an irresponsibly and uncountable place. And certainly we're in jail because we’ll become subservient and addicted to Fedzilla — the wasteful, money-burning monster that is the federal government right now.”

He clarified his statement.

“When I say ‘rip their heads off,’ I’m talking figuratively that we need to go to the voting booth and fire these people!”

Nugent said this during the convention.

“If Barrack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year. We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November! Any questions?”

Here is Nugent’s response to a possible Secret Service investigation.

“Whether there is an actual investigation of my speech at the NRA or not, I will find out sooner or later. But I’m more than happy to talk to the heroes of the Secret Service. … But I look forward to speaking with them if they wish to speak to me, because I stand by my speech at the NRA, and I stand by the fact that we have to go to the voting booth and exercise out duty as citizens of America by voting our conscience, whatever that conscience might be.”

Ted Nugent During NRA Convention

My View

There is no way, even for a second that anyone seriously thought Ted Nugent literally wanted to “chop of heads” of anybody. This is nothing more than a cheap political ploy from the Left. It really “Irks” me that the Left accuses the Right of being so intolerant, but the Left is more intolerant of anything that comes from the Right.

Why was there no outrage from the Left when the New Black Panther party puts a bounty on the head of George Zimmerman? Remember, this was a real bounty, not a metaphor.

Why was there no outrage from the Left when “Iron” Mike Tyson said it was a disgrace that George Zimmerman was not shot or dragged off by a car?

Why is there no outrage from the Left for the anti-American statements made by Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Wright, Al Sharpton, and others?

And finally, why is no outrage from the leftist media over the last four years of anti-American policies from our president? Everything from apologizing for America to alienating our biggest ally in the Middle East, Israel, to constant attacks on our Constitution.

I have news for the liberal news. Americans are not stupid! They are only uninformed and ignorant of what is really going on in America. Slowly but surely Americans are starting to “Wake up”. When they do, everyone that has decieved them will no longer have an impact.

This is why media outlets such as CNN and especially MSNBC are doing so horrible in the polls. All these other channels combined do not even come close to the number of people that watch Fox News. Why? People have caught on and are ‘fed up’ with the liberal bias.

America is a “Sleeping Giant” that is slowly “Waking Up!”

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