Friday, April 6, 2012

VA Teacher Indoctrinates our Youth

There once was a teacher caught in indoctrination,
Caught in the act of biased liberation,
Republicans are “stupid”,
And I have concluded,
Everyone must accept Obama’s dictatorship administration!

VA Teacher Indoctrinates our Youth

Revelation 20:10 (ESV)
“And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
George Orwell (1903 - 1950)

VA Teacher Indoctrinates our Youth

A Virgina teacher gave this opinion to her 6th grade students, “Republicans are “Stupid”. The teacher, Kristin Martin, allegedly told niave students that “Republicans don’t care about anyone but wealthy people and busineses.”

This all came about when a disabled kid in her class named all the Republicans candidates for Super Tuesday. Then Martin said to him “I don’t like them, I think that they are stupid.”

This is clearly a teacher “brainwashing” her students to believe the same that she does and turn them against their Republican or Conservative parents.

Here is a quote from one of the parents, “I felt like the teacher was brainwashing naïve, young children to believe people like me, my family and, to a certain extent, my daughter, were stupid,”

The teacher also made it known that she voted for Obama and the Democrats tend to do more “for community and schools.”

The teacher’s school principal promptly made this statement, “I am so sorry that Miss Martin used such very poor judgment. I will certainly address it with her tomorrow. I share your assessment of the situation that there is no room for that kind of comment in a school setting. Thank you so much for bringing this serious situation to my attention.”

The next day Martin did apologize to the students, but has the damage already been done?

I would like you to think about how many times this happens every day in our liberal school system. How may times do similar situation as this happen without it being reported? We must understand that our schools are now infiltrated with liberals that indoctrinate our youth with their agenda!

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