Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Obama Official says Religion has nothing to do with Muslims killing Christians

A government official named Johnnie,
A Liberal propaganda weenie,
Said, "Religious Muslim Nigerians",
Not responsible, for "Killing Christians",

Christians were victims of anti-government loonies!

Proverbs 19:5 (ESV)
"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape."

"He who stands in the true middle is seen as an extremist by the real extremists."
Joseph J. Dewey

Why do we play the "Political Correctness" game with these religious extremists? If this administration does not stand-up and identify what is going on in Nigeria and throughout the world, then we are all in big trouble! How can we fight the enemy, unless we first identify them? We are in a religious war, whether we like it or not. Muslim extremist do not have any religious tolerance for anyway who believes differently that they do. According to their religion, it is their duty to "Kill" the infidels. 

Obama Official says Religion has nothing to do with Muslims killing Christians

 Christians believe in praying for their enemies and "turning the other cheek". I suggest that we must continue to pray, but we must take steps to protect ourselves. "Turning the cheek," is good when dealing with two individual, but this will and cannot work when dealing with extremist groups and different sovereign nations.

Below is the rest of the story. Remember, this is just one story, this type of killings are happening all over the world to Christians every day; you decide.

A radical Islamist group known as Boko Haram killed more than 390 people in Nigeria this year alone. On Easter, they killed more than 40 Christians during a church service. Now, just days later, an Obama official gives this report on the situation, "I want to take this opportunity to stress one key point and that is that religion is not driving extremist violence either in Jos or northern Nigeria"

Secretary of State for African Affairs, Johnnie Carson, continued with this, "While some seek to inflame Muslim-Christian tensions, Nigeria's ethnic and religious diversity, like our own in this country, is a source of strength, not weakness and there are many examples across Nigeria of communities working across religious lines to protect one another.

Boko Haram, translated into English is "Western education is forbidden," This Muslim extremist group has direct links to Al-Qaeda, which vows to cleanse northern Nigeria of all Christians and is responsible for over 1,000 deaths since mid-2009.

Carson's explanations of Boko Haram's actions are "capitalizes of popular frustrations with the nation's leaders," and "seeks to humiliate and undermine the government and to exploit religious differences in order to create chaos and to make Nigeria ungovernable." "Boko Haram's attacks on churches and mosques are particularly disturbing because they are intended to inflame religious tensions and upset the nation's social cohesion, although Boko Haram is reviled throughout Nigeria and offers no practical solutions to the country's problems."

This Obama official contends that the Islamic extremists are not a "monolithic, homogeneous organization." Its primary focus is to discredit the Nigerian government.

I just want to make one last comment on this story! What if the roles were reversed? What if right-wing Christians were the ones doing the killing? Would our President and his zealots try to deflect the true issue at hand? No, they will be persecuted to the max. Eventually, these Christians will have to stand-up and defend themselves from these extremists in order to survive. I only hope that when Christians rise up in the countries and start retaliating and killing their oppressors, the Muslims, that our government supports them equally.

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