Thursday, April 26, 2012

New Details in George Zimmerman Case

What about Mr. George Zimmerman,
Judged as a bad man with an evil plan,
Overzealous and racist,
Even called a right-wing fascist,
Details illustrate a kind neighbor with an anti-crime plan,

“Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.”
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 – 1968)

John 8:32 (ESV)
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

“It May be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me, and I think that’s pretty important”
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 – 1968)

New Details in George Zimmerman Case
I first want everyone to understand that if George Zimmerman is found guilty of murder in a courtroom, I fully support the death penalty as punishment. What upsets me is the public and media acts of aggression and revenge toward a man that no one knew very much about.

Mr. Zimmerman was convicted in the court of public opinion without proper evidence and I believe that the actions of many groups and individuals were criminal in nature and spurred violence against George Zimmerman and his family.

What a shame it will be for America if it is found that Zimmerman is a good man that was simply trying to help reduce crime in his neighborhood.

America is a land of laws and America’s reputation is now at stake! In America, we believe one is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Why did this fundamental principle not apply to Mr. Zimmerman?

I would like to point out some new evidence that has recently surfaced that may change the public perception of Mr. George Zimmerman.

First, new pictures of George Zimmerman’s bloody head have emerged. This shows that he definitely did receive heavy damage from Trayvon Martin. This will support his self-defense case.
New Details in George Zimmerman Case
Below is a Youtube video with an eyewitness that Zimmerman was in fact being beaten by Travyon.

Business insider puts together some chronological bullets that illustrate a much different profile than what was reported by the liberal media.

·         Zimmerman grew up in a mixed-race household
·         He was an altar boy at his Catholic church from age 7-17
·         He is bilingual
·         After he finished high school, he studied for and got an insurance license
·         In 2004, Zimmerman and a black friend opened an Allstate insurance office (which soon failed)
·         Zimmerman’s 2005 arrest for “resisting arrest, violence, and battery of an officer” occurred after he shoved an under-cover alcohol control agent at a bar when the agent was trying to arrest an underage friend of his
·         Zimmerman married his wife, Shellie, in 2007. They rented a house in Twin Lakes. Twin Lakes is about 50% white, 20% Hispanic, and 20% black.
·         In 2009, Zimmerman enrolled in Seminole State College
·         In the fall of 2009, a pit bull broke free twice and once cornered Shellie in the Zimmermans’ yard. George Zimmerman asked a police officer whether he should buy pepper spray. The cop told him pepper spray wasn’t fast enough and recommended that he get a gun.
·         By the summer of 2011, Twin Lakes “was experiencing a rash of burglaries and break-ins.” In several of the cases, witnesses said the robbers were young black men
·         In July 2011, a black teenager stole a bicycle off the Zimmermans’ porch
·         In August of 2011, a neighbor of the Zimmermans, Olivia Bertalan, was home during the day when two young black men entered her house. She hid in a room upstairs and called the police. When the police arrived, the two men, who had been trying to take a TV, fled. One of them ran through the Zimmermans’ yard.
·         After the break-in, George Zimmerman stopped by the Bertalans and gave Olivia a card with his name and number on it. He told her to visit his wife Shellie if she felt unsafe.
·         The police recommended that Bertalan get a dog. She moved away instead. Zimmerman got a second dog–a Rottweiler.
·         In September, several concerned residents of the neighborhood, including Zimmerman, asked the neighborhood association to create a neighborhood watch. Zimmerman was asked to run it.
·         In the next month, two more houses in the neighborhood were robbed.
·         A community newsletter reminded residents to report any crimes to the police and then call “George Zimmerman, our captain.”
·         On February 2, 2012, Zimmerman spotted a young black man looking into the windows of a neighbor’s empty house. He called the police and said “I don‘t know what he’s doing. I don’t want to approach him, personally.” The police sent a car, but by the time they arrived, the man was gone.
·         On February 6th, another house was burglarized. Witnesses said two of the robbers were black teenagers. One, who had prior burglary convictions, was soon caught with a laptop stolen from the house.
·         Two weeks later, Zimmerman spotted Travyon Martin and called the police. The last time he had done this, the suspect got away. This time, he disregarded police instructions and followed. A few minutes later, Martin was dead.

My question for you is this. Is this a profile of a violent racist? We do not know. It is possible that he is a racist, but it is also possible that he is not. These facts will have to be determined in a court of law.

I believe that many will be shocked to learn some of the details that are quickly surfacing in this case. I only hope that everyone will stop convicting this man in the court of public opinion.

TSA Double Screens Little Girl with Cerebral Palsy

Little Dina with a debilitating condition,
Quickly caught the TSA’s attention,
We must be precise,
Let’s screen the girl twice,
What kind of sense is behind this intuition?

“Does this little girl look like a terrorist threat to you?”

The Daily asked this question about little Dina Frank after her parents told an incredible story about events that happened to them in New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Little Dina and her family made in through security just fine and then about an hour later they were told to go through the screening again.

Her father, Joshua, raced back to the security terminal, but his efforts were in vain. The family missed their flight to Florida.

Mr. Frank said this,

“They’re harassing people…This is totally misguided policy. Yes, I understand that TSA is in charge of national security and there’s all these threats…For her to be singled out, it’s crazy,”

Dina’s mother, Marcy, said this,

“They still attack her like she’s Osama Bin Laden…It’s not fair.”

My View
Nothing else needs to be said, the ignorance is evident!

What are your thoughts?

Blogger Faces Jailtime

A former diabetic blogger named Steve,
Writes how “Paleo Diet” helps him achieve,
No longer a diabetic,
Message is prophetic,
Facing jail time for this is hard to believe!

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom, and the enemy of growth.”
John F. Kennedy (1917 – 1963)

You may ask, is this some story coming out of communist China? Not even, close. This story is out of North Carolina.

Reason magazine broke this senseless story about a former diabetic named Steve Cooksey whom writes a popular blog about his experiences with the “Paleo” diet. The North Carolina Board of Dietetics came down on him saying his blog,, violates the law.

In a nutshell, giving advice on nutrition is equivalent to “practicing nutrition” and requires a license.

The board director agrees that Cooksey has a First Amendment right to blog about his diet, but encouraging others to adopt the same diet is illegal unless he is a state certified dietitian.

All Cooksey is allowed to do is write about how good the diet was for him and what great things the diet did for him. When he tells others to use it, he crossed the line.

If found guilty; Cooksey faces up to 120 days in jail. Get this, at the bottom of every page; Cooksey placed a disclaimer that says this,

“I am not a doctor, dietician, nor nutritionist…In fact I have no medical training of any kind.”

One would think the government has better things to do than fry a small fish. If the government would take their focus off messing with us and focus this attention on things like … I do not know … Maybe unemployment and creating new jobs and lowering the deficit. Then maybe, just maybe, we would all be a lot better off!

When do you think the government will start going after online reviewers of diet supplements, etc.?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

UFO Next to the Sun?

Something spotted in a NASA snapshot,
A possible UFO in a very hot spot,
Very close to the Sun,
Doesn’t look like much fun,
These aliens are crazier than what we thought!

Obadiah 1:4 (ESV)
“Though you soar aloft like the eagle, though your nest is set among the stars, from there I will bring you down, declares the Lord.”

“How would it be if we discovered that aliens only stopped by earth to let their kids take a leak?”
Jay Leno (1950 - )

The Story
UFO fans are exited over a potential “spot” found in an image taken from NASA’s Solar and Hemispheric Observatory. It is described as something that does not look like “anything ever spotted near the sun” before.

Gather News asked this,

“The unidentified flying object, which bears no resemblance to anything ever spotted near the Sun, somehow manages to withstand the blazing heat thrown off by solar flare activity and the incredibly high temperatures emanating from the nuclear fusion generated on the surface of the star. What is it?”

Here are some excited UFO YouTube comments,

“The video shows what looks like a metallic, jointed spaceship with a gigantic extension, perhaps a boom arm, anchored off its lower end.”

“An enlargement of the object makes the enormously large UFO look like a ship straight out of a Hollywood movie.”

Some have raised the possibility that the SOHO instruments caused a distortion.

What are your thoughts? Is this a UFO or a sensor distortion?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

United States Air Force Bows to the Atheist!

Latest news from the United States Air Force,
A lodging policy, change of course,
Will remove the Bible,
From the checklist cycle,
The demands of the minority is what they will enforce!

Mark 16:15 (ESV)
“And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

“Clearly he had his own strange way of judging things. I suspect he acquired it from the gospels.”
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

The Story

A major victory for Atheist in the United States Air Force!

Air Force officials have agreed to remove Bibles from rooms after receiving pressure by the Military Association of Atheist and Freethinkers (MAAF). MAAF’s goal is to contest “… insensitive practices that illegally promote religion over non-religion within the military or unethically discriminate against minority religions or differing beliefs.”

MAAF believes the presence of the Bibles in on-based military housing is “a special privilege for Christianity.”

After October 1st 2012, the Air Force will no longer replace Bibles that are removed from the hotel rooms.

My View

Here we go! Another huge organization bowing to the demands of the minority. What about the feelings of the majority? I can guarantee you that there are many more people that like having these Bibles in the room than not. Besides, how does the Bible bother the Atheist anyway? No one forces these people to read the Bible.

What do you think?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Another Story Involving the TSA

Another story involving the TSA,
“Fed Up” flier strips down all the way,
This, I assure,
A scene only for the mature,
Mothers, cover your kid’s eyes or run away!

Genesis 3:7 (ESV)
“Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.”

“There’s very little advice in men’s magazines, because men think, I know what I’m doing. Just show me somebody naked.”
Jerry Seinfeld (1954 - )

My View
Does anyone know how many of these stories there are? I lost count a long time ago! It seems as if there is a new story every week involving a TSA complainant.

I want to say that I believe most TSA employees are very good people. They are good people that are following ignorant rules. I do not blame them for doing their job. I blame the government for the “political correct” agenda forced upon the good people.

Someone please tell me, why it is necessary to search granny and 3 year old toddlers? Is there a threat from these people? How many terrorist fit this description anyway? The answer: Zero and that is why our country’s screening techniques are stupid.

Israel is only one country that has a 100% success rate of identifying terrorist threats within their airports. Their primary method to root out terrorists is profiling.

Profiling is the one method that our TSA agents cannot do. Why, because it is not “politically correct” and is considered to be “racial profiling! I find it absurd that the most successful technique for protecting us from our enemies is the only one we cannot use. To excuse my French—this is Bullsh—t! 

I am sorry, but ignorance such as this really makes me angry. How is it ok to physically assault a 90 year old granny and a 3 year old toddler, but not ok to question a foreign national from some country such as Iraq or Pakistan? We can run our hands all over our innocents, but not find out why someone is traveling from the Middle East to America. Why is it, we do everything to protect the so called “rights” of everyone besides our own!

Wake Up America! Help me stop the madness!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ted Nugent During NRA Convention

Ted Nugent, during an NRA convention,
Made a remark bringing heated attention,
“Chop their heads off in November”,
Ignited the Leftist ember,
Should a metaphor cause such contention?

2 Peters 3:16(ESV)
“As he does in all his letters when he speaks in them of these matters. There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures.”

“God gave us the gift of life. It is the most precious gift ever. To be unarmed is to be helpless to protect that gift; that is outright irresponsible.”
Ted Nugent

The Story

The liberal media are outraged over a metaphor by Ted Nugent during last weekend’s NRA convention. Some reports say that he was questioned by the Secret Service.

Here is Ted’s explanation to talk radio host, Joe Pags.

“First of all, I’m the master of metaphors…and nobody needs an interpreter when I speak except Wasserman Schultz and the Marxist czars in the Obama administration and the ultra-leftist America-hating media out there. So I think everybody knows what I meant.”

“Obviously our American dream is dead if this president continues to spend our great great grandchildren’s money at an irresponsibly and uncountable place. And certainly we're in jail because we’ll become subservient and addicted to Fedzilla — the wasteful, money-burning monster that is the federal government right now.”

He clarified his statement.

“When I say ‘rip their heads off,’ I’m talking figuratively that we need to go to the voting booth and fire these people!”

Nugent said this during the convention.

“If Barrack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will be either be dead or in jail by this time next year. We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November! Any questions?”

Here is Nugent’s response to a possible Secret Service investigation.

“Whether there is an actual investigation of my speech at the NRA or not, I will find out sooner or later. But I’m more than happy to talk to the heroes of the Secret Service. … But I look forward to speaking with them if they wish to speak to me, because I stand by my speech at the NRA, and I stand by the fact that we have to go to the voting booth and exercise out duty as citizens of America by voting our conscience, whatever that conscience might be.”

Ted Nugent During NRA Convention

My View

There is no way, even for a second that anyone seriously thought Ted Nugent literally wanted to “chop of heads” of anybody. This is nothing more than a cheap political ploy from the Left. It really “Irks” me that the Left accuses the Right of being so intolerant, but the Left is more intolerant of anything that comes from the Right.

Why was there no outrage from the Left when the New Black Panther party puts a bounty on the head of George Zimmerman? Remember, this was a real bounty, not a metaphor.

Why was there no outrage from the Left when “Iron” Mike Tyson said it was a disgrace that George Zimmerman was not shot or dragged off by a car?

Why is there no outrage from the Left for the anti-American statements made by Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Wright, Al Sharpton, and others?

And finally, why is no outrage from the leftist media over the last four years of anti-American policies from our president? Everything from apologizing for America to alienating our biggest ally in the Middle East, Israel, to constant attacks on our Constitution.

I have news for the liberal news. Americans are not stupid! They are only uninformed and ignorant of what is really going on in America. Slowly but surely Americans are starting to “Wake up”. When they do, everyone that has decieved them will no longer have an impact.

This is why media outlets such as CNN and especially MSNBC are doing so horrible in the polls. All these other channels combined do not even come close to the number of people that watch Fox News. Why? People have caught on and are ‘fed up’ with the liberal bias.

America is a “Sleeping Giant” that is slowly “Waking Up!”

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Christian Teacher Fired Because She was Pregnant and Unwed

An engaged teacher, named Cathy Samford,
Was fired by a Christian School board,
Because in Her belly, she carried,
While waiting, to be married,
You only get forgiveness from the Lord!

John 8:7 (ESV)
“And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, ‘Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”

“I didn’t know how babies were made until I was pregnant with my fourth child.”
Loretta Lynn

The Story

Cathy Samford used to be a teacher and volleyball coach at Heritage Christian Academy in Rockwall, TX. That was before she admitted to school officials that she was pregnant with her fiancé’s baby. The school officials quickly fired her.

Christian Teacher Fired Because She was Pregnant and Unwed

Samford told ABC News this,

“I didn’t think I would lose my job…I was in shock and devastated and that’s when I said, ‘If this is the problem, I’m willing, and so is my fiancé, to go ahead and get married. That wasn’t the issue. We were going to get married regardless.”

The school’s headmaster, Dr. Ron Taylor, said this,

“It’s not that she’s pregnant. The issue here is being an unmarried mother. Everything that we stand for says that we want our teachers, who we consider to be in the ministry, to model what a Christian man or woman should be.”

Samford hired an attorney because she does not believe her contract was violated. She said this:

“It’s against the law to fire someone for them taking a pregnancy leave and you can’t preventively fire someone. You can’t contract around anti-discrimination laws,”

Her lawyer explained to ABC News,

“Just being generally religious or upholding Christian values is not enough to evoke the ministerial exception.”

Now, Samford is pregnant and financially in trouble; she said this,

“I’m very worried about money. I’m just hoping to make it through this month. I’ve had lots of medical bills…My insurance was dropped so everything I’ve had to pay is out of pocket. I’m using my tax return just to live on. It’s a big concern. I don’t know what next month holds for me.”

My View

I believe what this Christian school has been morally wrong, but I also believe that the school has every right to fire her. Private organizations have the right to hire and fire anyone that goes against its principles.

The Bible says, “All have sinned and fallen short of glory,” The church should have not chosen to “throw the first stone” so quickly. Was the teacher given the opportunity to repent of her sins? From what I read, I believe that she was very sorry for the sinful mistake she made. How many times have these church officials sinned also and needed forgiveness?

The school headmaster said that she was not setting a proper example for her students to follow. I disagree. This situation could have been used to show the students the right thing to do if found in this same situation. An example of true redemption can be a very powerful life-lesson.

What does this situation teach the students? I think it demonstrates an attitude of un-forgiveness from their Christian leaders. Whom can Christians depend on for forgiveness, if not from other Christians?  Should the church excommunicate her?

What was the outcome? Now, the expecting mother is “out-on-the-street” without a job and medical benefits. Think of the hardship that these Christians put upon their Sister in Christ. I find this to be deplorable!

Jesus taught his followers to “give their shirts off their backs” if needed to help someone. However, their Sister was abandoned during a time she needed them most.

God will be the judge! I hope this story brings some reprieve to this mother. God bless her!

Monday, April 16, 2012

TSA is Caught Again!

The Federal agency, known as the TSA,
Quite perverted, some might say,
A sight to behold,
Searching young and old,
Another option, is a cancer x-ray!

Matthew 18:10 (ESV)
“See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.”

“Words can be like X-rays, if you use them properly- they’ll go through anything. You read and you’re pierced.
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), A Brave New World

The Story
Another video has surfaced showing a woman sobbing during a TSA pat down:

My View
Does anyone know how many of these stories there are? I lost count a long time ago! It seems as if there is a new story every week involving TSA complaints.

I want to say that I believe most TSA employees are very good people. They are good people that are following ignorant rules. I do not blame them for doing their job. I blame the government for the “political correct” agenda forced upon the good people.

Someone please tell me, why it is necessary to search granny and 3 year old toddlers? Is there a threat from these people? How many terrorist fit this description anyway? The answer: Zero and that is why our country’s screening techniques are stupid.

Israel is only one country that has a 100% success rate of identifying terrorist threats within their airports. Their primary method to root out terrorists is profiling.

Profiling is the one method that our TSA agents cannot do. Why, because it is not “politically correct” and is considered to be “racial profiling! I find it absurd that the most successful technique for protecting us from our enemies is the only one we cannot use. To excuse my French—this is Bullsh—t! 

I am sorry, but ignorance such as this really makes me angry. How is it ok to physically assault a 90 year old granny and a 3 year old toddler, but not ok to question a foreign national from some country such as Iraq or Pakistan? We can run our hands all over our innocents, but not find out why someone is traveling from the Middle East to America. Why is it, we do everything to protect the so called “rights” of everyone besides our own!

Wake Up America! Help me stop the madness!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Kirk Cameron Persecuted for His Beliefs

Kirk Cameron, the “Growing Pains” child star,
Is different from most Hollywood stars, by far,
Believes it’s counterproductive,
Homosexuals are destructive,
To the foundations of civilization, they are.

1 Corinthians 6:9 (ESV)
“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,”

“But when I told an audience last year that white pride is just as valid as black pride or red pride or anyone else’s pride, they called me a racist. I’ve worked with brilliantly talented homosexuals all my life. But when I told an audience that gay rights should extend no further than your rights or my rights, I was called a homophobe. I served in Word War II against the Axis powers. But during a speech, when I drew an analogy between singling out innocent Jews and singling out innocent gun owners, I was called an anti-Semite. Everyone I know knows I would never raise a closed fist against my country. But when I asked an audience to oppose this cultural persecution, I was compared to Timothy McVeigh.
Charlton Heston, In a speech to the Harvard Law School on February 16, 1999

The Story

Some former child stars banded together to denounce actor Kirk Cameron’s views on homosexuality. He recently called it, “unnatural” and “destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.”

These former stars call themselves, “Child Celebrities Opposing Kirk Cameron” or “CCOKC” for short. They filmed a spoof public service announcement challenging Kirk Cameron to “name one thing homosexuals have done to hurt him, his community or civilization as a whole.” They said, “Together we’re pledging to raise awareness about a serious threat to our civil rights – Kirk Cameron’s stupid opinions,” The group added, “We’ve met Kirk and he’s a very pleasant guy,… The problem, is he’s one of us and he should know better.”

My View

Thank God for Kirk Cameron! I only hope his message sinks into the heads of some other Hollywood dunces and puts some sense into them. He certainly has nothing to be ashamed of and should be proud to hold the belief that the majority of Americans still do today. It’s only the Liberal left that has a majority of pro-Gay beliefs in America.

Our Nation was founded on these beliefs and these Christians beliefs have made this country great. Our country is in a state of moral decay and this decay is leading to the destruction of our nation.

Kirk is absolutely right! The acceptance of Homosexuality will ruin our civilization and the country as we know it. It is only a matter of time.

I believe God blessed our nation, because we founded it on his principles. When we choose to turn from him, we will lose his blessing on this great nation of ours. Let us all pray for a spiritual awakening within our Country.

Without God, we are left to despair!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mike Tyson says it is a Disgrace that Zimmerman wasn’t Shot!

Former boxing champion, Iron Mike,
Wished upon George, a deadly strike,
Said, "It's a disgrace",
Revenge, should've taken place,
This is justice, according to Mike!

Romans 12:19 (ESV)
"Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord."

"Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love."Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

Mike Tyson made these comments during an interview with Yahoo News. 

"My personal feeling is that, as a young kid that was beat on by a bully, that was pretty much singled out—the guy [Zimmerman] stalked him, didn't follow instructions from a superior officer, when they said, 'Stop following the kid.' That tells you everything right there. But my all-around perspective, I wasn't there, I don't know what happened. But it's just so widespread and overt what happened. Even though this is the best country in the world, certain laws in this country are a disgrace to a nation of savages. It's a majority versus a minority. That's the way God planned it. He didn't want to do something about it, He wanted us to do something about it. And if we don't, it's gonna stay this way. We have to continue tweeting, we have to continue marching, we have to continue fighting for Trayvon Martin. If that's not the case, he was killed in vain, and we're just waiting for it to happen to our children. He'll have gotten away with impunity. It's a disgrace that man hasn't been dragged out of his house and tied to a car and taken away. That's the only kind of retribution that people like that understand. It's a disgrace that man hasn't been shot yet. Forget about him being arrested–the fact that he hasn't been shot yet is a disgrace. That's how I feel personally about it."

Let us not forget that Mike Tyson was convicted of rape in 1992 and served three years in prison. George Zimmerman has not been convicted of anything yet, and people like Mike want him dead. Maybe, George Zimmerman should make a statement that Mike should be "shot," or "dragged by a car," for his rape crime. But that would be considered racist!

The support of the President and other black leaders to convict George Zimmerman without evidence is an outrage. These leaders should condemn the actions of Mike and others like the Black Panther Party. Let us see as a nation the blatant hypocrisy that is going on right in front of our eyes. These black leaders and role models are doing the same thing the KKK does against them. Someone please stop the madness in this country!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Obama Official says Religion has nothing to do with Muslims killing Christians

A government official named Johnnie,
A Liberal propaganda weenie,
Said, "Religious Muslim Nigerians",
Not responsible, for "Killing Christians",

Christians were victims of anti-government loonies!

Proverbs 19:5 (ESV)
"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape."

"He who stands in the true middle is seen as an extremist by the real extremists."
Joseph J. Dewey

Why do we play the "Political Correctness" game with these religious extremists? If this administration does not stand-up and identify what is going on in Nigeria and throughout the world, then we are all in big trouble! How can we fight the enemy, unless we first identify them? We are in a religious war, whether we like it or not. Muslim extremist do not have any religious tolerance for anyway who believes differently that they do. According to their religion, it is their duty to "Kill" the infidels. 

Obama Official says Religion has nothing to do with Muslims killing Christians

 Christians believe in praying for their enemies and "turning the other cheek". I suggest that we must continue to pray, but we must take steps to protect ourselves. "Turning the cheek," is good when dealing with two individual, but this will and cannot work when dealing with extremist groups and different sovereign nations.

Below is the rest of the story. Remember, this is just one story, this type of killings are happening all over the world to Christians every day; you decide.

A radical Islamist group known as Boko Haram killed more than 390 people in Nigeria this year alone. On Easter, they killed more than 40 Christians during a church service. Now, just days later, an Obama official gives this report on the situation, "I want to take this opportunity to stress one key point and that is that religion is not driving extremist violence either in Jos or northern Nigeria"

Secretary of State for African Affairs, Johnnie Carson, continued with this, "While some seek to inflame Muslim-Christian tensions, Nigeria's ethnic and religious diversity, like our own in this country, is a source of strength, not weakness and there are many examples across Nigeria of communities working across religious lines to protect one another.

Boko Haram, translated into English is "Western education is forbidden," This Muslim extremist group has direct links to Al-Qaeda, which vows to cleanse northern Nigeria of all Christians and is responsible for over 1,000 deaths since mid-2009.

Carson's explanations of Boko Haram's actions are "capitalizes of popular frustrations with the nation's leaders," and "seeks to humiliate and undermine the government and to exploit religious differences in order to create chaos and to make Nigeria ungovernable." "Boko Haram's attacks on churches and mosques are particularly disturbing because they are intended to inflame religious tensions and upset the nation's social cohesion, although Boko Haram is reviled throughout Nigeria and offers no practical solutions to the country's problems."

This Obama official contends that the Islamic extremists are not a "monolithic, homogeneous organization." Its primary focus is to discredit the Nigerian government.

I just want to make one last comment on this story! What if the roles were reversed? What if right-wing Christians were the ones doing the killing? Would our President and his zealots try to deflect the true issue at hand? No, they will be persecuted to the max. Eventually, these Christians will have to stand-up and defend themselves from these extremists in order to survive. I only hope that when Christians rise up in the countries and start retaliating and killing their oppressors, the Muslims, that our government supports them equally.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Teacher Fired for Organizing Fundraiser for Tayvon Martin Family

I heard of a teacher, who was fired,
Because she was, emotionally inspired,
By the Trayvon Martin case,
And it's political base,
Superintendent, ensured this never transpired!

James 3:1 (ESV)
"Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness."

"Experience is a good teacher, but she sends in terrific bills."
Minna Thomas Antrim

I first want to say that this is an example of where I stand up for someone on the left. If I see something I perceive as an injustice either from the right or left, I will comment on it. I think what was done to this teacher was inexplicably wrong. Everyone, even teachers should have the right to support their belief. The only exception is if this occurs in the classroom. An event outside the classroom would have been totally fine, indoctrination in the classroom would be unacceptable.

Brooke Harris, a teacher for a middle school in Michigan was suddenly fired for her support of the Trayvon Martin family. She tried to organize a rally to financially support Trayvon's family. Her principle at her middle schools signed off on the fundraiser, but the superintendent said no.
Harris said this, "I was told I was a bad teacher, that I was being unprofessional, that I'm being paid to teach, not the be an activist. When I tried to defend myself, it was construed as insubordination."

Harris continued, "I asked her if she could please tell me what I did wrong to come to the first meeting," "After I asked that question twice, she never gave me an answer — then she fired me."

The Superintendent says that activism has nothing to do with the firing, she only disapproved the protest because exams were coming up soon.

David Walid, executive director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American—Islamic Relations said this, "It taught the students who tried to organize and tried to raise their voice in terms of social justice that they will be repressed," "Instead of empowering our children … the Pontiac Academy is actually teaching children to internalize oppression and internalize racism."

I believe that the accusations against George Zimmerman without proper evidence is wrong and very disturbing, but Americans still have a right to voice their opinion and support causes they believe in. I am a conservative and believe everyone, either left or right has this right. To fire a teacher over her support of either side would be wrong. I would just as much support anyone who wishes to support George Zimmerman and his family. What are your thoughts?






Monday, April 9, 2012

Tim Tebow Draws Huge Crowd on Easter

A football player named Tim Tebow,
Tebowing”, to let his faith show,
A great role model for our youth,
Because he tells them the truth,
Jesus Christ is the Savior, we should all know!

2 Timothy 2:5 (ESV)
“An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.”

“Sharks are as tough as those football fans who take their shirts off during games in Chicago in January, only more intelligent.”
Dave Barry (1947 - )

Tim Tebow draws huge crowd on Easter Sunday!

A crowd of about 15,000 came to see and hear Tim Tebow on Easter Sunday. He visited the Celebration Church in an outdoor setting about 20 miles north of Austin, Texas; the church pastor said this, “In Christianity, it’s the Pope and Tebow right now,” “We didn’t have enough room to handle the Pope.”

Many people drove hundreds of miles to hear Tebow speak. More than a hundred school buses shuttled people from nearby churches, shopping centers, and colleges. The service featured upbeat Christian songs and had an energizing appeal.
Here are some highlights from Tebow’s 20 minute interview with the church pastor, Joe Champion, “It’s OK to be outspoken about your faith,” He commented on how some athletes do not believe they are role models. “Yes you are. You’re just not a good one,”

Champion asked what he thought needed to change culture in America. Tebow said, “First and foremost is what this country was based on: one nation under God. The more that we can get back to that,”

Thank you Tim and “Keep up the good fight”, May God bless you and your ministry through the testimony of your life!