Sunday, March 11, 2012

Freeform poetry

What is Freeform poetry? Just as the name suggests, this type of poetry allows writing of whatever comes to mind in any format. Freeform poetry contradicts other types of poetry because it does not restrict the author to any specific structure or rhythm. Anyone interested in poetry can quickly become intimidated by these strict rules and become discouraged. Modern times and the acceptance of Freeform poetry gives new poetry writers such as myself an acceptable dais to express ourselves. Here are some suggestions that have been helpful to me.

· Immediately write down your thoughts.
Inspirational thoughts can come to you at any place or time. Always have a pen and paper handy to jot it down.

· Plan an arrangement for the poem.
This is what is unique with Freeform. You can lay out your thoughts to your liking, but find a structure that is consistent throughout the entire poem.

· Read the poem over and over. 
You will find and make improvements constantly with your poem. Keep reading the poem to yourself until you are totally satisfied with the content.

· Archive the poem.
Develop your own filing system for future reference. There is more to this than just saving in a folder. I like to save my file names by date first, then by title. This keeps them in a chronological order. This will be invaluable to you if you decide to publish your writing later.

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