Thursday, March 29, 2012

Are All Americans Entitled to Free Enterprise?

Are all Americans entitled to Free Enterprise?
Not the Christians, this is no surprise!
Complaint filed for sexual discrimination,
Now, the company is under investigation,
For refusal to print gay t-shirt supplies!

Written by James Apple, March 2012

Leviticus 18:22 (ESV)
“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

“We think the cross to bear is not for those who are gay, but those who believe in crosses in the first place.”
Jon Armstrong, Blurbomat, 03-25-2006

Are All Americans Entitled to Free Enterprise?

A Lexington, Kentucky t-shirt business, Hands on Originals, refused to print shirts for the annual gay pride parade. The company told the parade organizers that it was against their religious beliefs to support this event. In response, the gay rights group filed a sexual discrimination complaint against the company.

The company owner, Blaine Adamson said this, “Hands On Originals both employs and conducts business with people of all genders, races, religions, sexual preference and national origins,” “However, due to the promotional nature of our products, it is the prerogative of the company to refuse any order that would endorse positions that conflicts with the convictions of the ownership.”

Bravo! I applaud the company’s backbone. I foresee problems for the company because they are a private business; not a church. A Christian church would be protected from this; however I do not believe a private business will win in court. This story brings up an interesting question. Should Christian business owners have the right to turn down jobs that go against their religious beliefs or vice-versa? Should an Atheist business owner have the right to do the same to jobs that would support the belief in God?
Are All Americans Entitled to Free Enterprise?

I believe America is a Free Enterprise. I believe owners should have the right to choose or not choose the business prospects they do or do not enter into. We are walking down a very slippery slope if we allow government control over our decisions.

In the end, I think Hands on Originals will be blessed for their faith they have shown. I believe many more people will respect and support them for their decision than oppose them. The gay rights groups may have the support of the liberal media, but the Christians still have a majority support with the people.

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