Over feminine insults they must account for,
One uses the C**t word,
The other the S**t word,
The first one the liberal media ignores.
What kind of “Horse-sense” does it take to understand that tax payers like myself should not have to pay for anyone to have sex. This is ridiculous! I can buy helping someone while they are looking for a job, or helping someone that is disabled and cannot work or even paying for some health care for some that absolutely cannot afford it. This is one of the most insane stories of our time. Sex is something that is personal and most important something that is not required. I someone wants to have sex so much it costs them a $1,000 dollars a year to pay for contraceptives, well that is on them. None of my business, their personal actions are their own, but do not make me pay for it. Sex is not a right, it is a right given to two consenting adults. Nothing More!
by James Apple Jr.
Context and dual meaning of words cause so much conflict nowadays. I am very pro Maher but I cannot input as I do not know the situation. But to say the Liberal media like its an active majority of the news. FOX news is the most popular network owned by Rupert Murdoch who is HIGHLY Right Winged almost to the extreme in his ideas. They are lawyers and NCLA board memebers that have strung up a list of over 300 biased and diliberatly out of context clips from fox news. It is VERY biased and very unfair. To watch because you agree with some of their opinionists is fine. Be you. But it is not fair to any political party to strawman an opposing side with a term liberal media and not address the worst offendor that really IS a GoP Empire. Murdoch is in court for his manipulating of media to spin it in right winged favor. Also illegally owning thousands of personal messages from its customers.
ReplyDeleteYou are exactly right about Fox News. They do have a very conservative view, but notice the difference between them and other news networks. They try very hard to always have someone on to represent the other side. Take Bill O’Reilly for example, his show is based on commentary between two different points of view. An exception would be Shawn Hannity, he has more conservative views on his show, but he hosts a conservative program. It is meant to be this way. Why do think Fox News is number one? This is because people want to here both views. They want to make a decision on their own to what they believe is the truth. The other news networks do not do this very well or sometimes not at all. Thanks for your insightful post. Every comment is deeply appreciated.