Thursday, March 29, 2012

NASCAR Christian TV Ad Dropped by ESPN

A NASCAR Christian, named Blake Koch,
Supports a campaign, that’s ‘Top Notch’,
Was to appear on television,
But ESPN made a decision,
To support a Christian, would be a botch!

1 Corinthians 15:33 (ESV)
“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

"Whoops" is a word that should never be said by some professions - Pilots, Racing car drivers, and hair colourists come immediately to mind but Dentists also have to be up in the top five.”
Richard Stubbs, Comedian, Book - " Still Life"

NASCAR driver, Blake Koch, attempted to educate fans on the importance of voting in U.S. elections. In an interview with “Fox & Friends”, Brian Kilmeade, Koch explained that the television ad he was supposed to appear in never aired. He says ESPN dropped the ad because of political and religious overtones.

NASCAR Christian TV Ad Dropped by ESPN
Koch went on to say this, “I didn’t think my faith in Christ would have an impact on whether or not a sponsor could air a commercial or not,” “The one thing I will not do is deny my faith just because a particular sponsor might not like the way I express my faith, which I do on my own time.”

I believe the reason why ESPN does not want to air his TV Ad is because they know NASCAR fans are predominately Republican. Encouraging them to register and get out to vote would hurt President Obama in the election. What do you think?

NASCAR Christian TV Ad Dropped by ESPN
Let us face it; Christians are under attack everywhere we turn. Every day we hear stories like these. Just imagine if this was done to a Muslim, the outrage would not end and the media would have a “hay day” with it. I am tired of the biased media and the liberal’s constant attack on Christians. The founding fathers are “turning in their graves”.

Americans, not just Christians should be appalled by what is going on in this country. It does not matter if you are a person of faith. America was founded on Christian principles. This was a fact, does not matter if you believe it or not. It is true. Somehow, the liberals have distorted this fact and now it is socially acceptable to treat Christians differently. Why is socially unacceptable to treat Muslims unfairly, but it is ok with Christians? Liberals, just give Christians the same respect that you give the Islamic community and everything will be fine.

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