Thursday, March 15, 2012

Get Me Out of Here

Get Me Out of HereThere’s a new book titled, “Get Me Out of Here,”
Tale of Christian Pakistani, that you must hear,
Sentenced to die,
For tainting water supply,
Wouldn’t convert to their master and puppeteer!

What a disturbing story this is; a Pakistani woman in jail for the last three years facing a death penalty. The crime, becoming a Christian and refusing to convert back to Islam. If this story does not “Wake you Up!” to the state of affair in the Middle East, nothing will. I am amazed with how the U.S. is constantly accused of being insensitive. These same people think of American as “The Devil”. Liberal media describe Islam as “The religion of Peace”. I believe nothing could be further from the truth. Of course, every religion has its fanatics, but none like the numbers one finds with the Muslim religion. When my church starts adopting and teaching a philosophy that entails the destruction of another belief, I may just have a few problems and start looking for another church. Not sure about your church, but mine teaches love and forgiveness for everyone, including our enemies.

by James Apple jr.

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