Thursday, March 29, 2012

Zimmerman "Convicted without Evidence"

The neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman,
Racial groups convict him of a sinister plan,
The man is obviously guilty,
Don’t need to wait for evidence against him,
Let us be the judge and executioner, just like the Ku Klux Klan!

Romans 12:19 (ESV)
“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

“How dreadful it is when the right judge judges wrong!”
Sophocles (496 BC - 406 BC), Antigone

What the “Hell” is wrong with America? Did the rules all of a sudden just change overnight? The last time I checked, any accused person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Heck, this case is even worse, he hasn’t even been accused yet. No one knows what happened and he has been convicted by the media and racial groups. For God’s sake, the New Black Panther party has a bounty on his head. How is this legal? If a white group did this against a black individual or a Christian against a Muslim, just imagine the outcome. The media and the president would be all over it. The president needs to come out and condemn the actions of the media and the Black Panthers. Leader support such as the president and others are stirring the pot and causing civil unrest.

I want to be the first to say. If Zimmerman is guilty, I support the “Death Penalty”. Nevertheless, this is America! Everyone is entitled to a fair trial. We judge people in the courts not in the media. Will it even be possible for this man to receive a fair trial? Just think how hard it will be to find an unbiased jury for this case. Now, think if he is innocent. What if he proves that he did kill Trayvon Martin in self-defense? Will he or his family ever have a normal life again? No, i suspect they will be forced into the witness protection program. Their only choice for closure is to change their identity, because in the eyes of the media and racial groups; they are and always will be guilty.

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