Thursday, March 8, 2012

Resume Writing Tips

Resume Writing Tips

Resume Writing Tips

Bigger is not better when it comes to resume writing. Content is key. The size of one’s resume will depend on the amount of relevant skills, experience, education, and accomplishments to place into the resume. Many counselors would advise their students to keep the resume to one page only. I agree with this advice as long as all relevant information fits onto one page. This is important for someone that has very little or no experience, but someone with many years of experience should not limit themselves. The hard part is determining relevant experience and not overdoing it. Putting too much information into the resume can make reading boring and redundant.  

Create a “Target Resume” for different jobs. Generalized resumes are not as effective as target resumes. If one is interested in an entry-level position in two different career categories. It is much better to have two good target resumes rather than one excellent generalized resume. Hiring managers do not want to spend their valuable time scanning through irrelevant information. Take the time to build a resume and cover letter that targets the specific job you are seeking.

Do not lie! No matter how small or unimportant it may seem, falsifying information on a resume is grounds for immediate dismissal. Even if the information comes out weeks, months, or years later, the employee is still subject to dismissal. Remember, there is more at stake than just a job. Social media of our time makes such offenses almost impossible to overcome. One touch of a button can tarnish a reputation for life.

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