Friday, March 9, 2012

More Fish Please!

More Fish Please!

It sure has been a long time since I’ve taken a serious look at what things I have that make me happy and why. This is something that I should do more often because it helps me remember what is really important to me. My first instinct is to think of my family, and then I suddenly realize that’s crazy. Family isn’t a possession and I shouldn’t think of them like that ever. Next I think of my job, house, and job, but these things are possessions all people believe are important because they are a necessity of life to simply survive. What’s really personally important to me? Then immediately, I think of my pond and fish. My pond is very important to me and brings me so much joy. In fact, while my wife and I were developing our property, the pond was the only project that I took personal responsibility of ensuring was done to my specific specifications. I am always telling my family and friends that my wife designed the house and I designed the pond. Other than the necessities in life we all need, this is one possession I wouldn’t want to live without. The times I spend with my family, friends, and often alone enjoying nature and fishing is wonderful. I can only think of one possession I could have to make me happier. I would like more fish to add to my pond!

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