Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Emos" Poem

Emos” in streets, Death squads follow,
Hating and killing, livestock to the slaughter,
Young Iraqis, full of dismay,
What sin they have, perception of gay.

Hair too long, pants too tight,
Western look, incite anger on site,
No words spoken or unpretentious plea,
Death Squad sway, unattainable deed.

No government intervention, full citizen support,
Sharia Law followed, no need for court,
Death squads, Allah’s bidding,
Wipe out western influence, prove we aren’t kidding.

Westerns are the Devils, evil to the core,
Look at their beliefs, need we say more,
Social justice, treat everyone the same,
Emos” living without fear, they’re insane.

Emos” in our land, quickly buried,
Over there, they’re getting married,
Freedom, living without fear,
In Iraq, not in a million years.

"Emos" Poem

Jeremiah 30:17 (ESV)
“For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares!’”

The true trophy hunter is a self-disciplined perfectionist seeking a single animal, the ancient patriarch well past his prime that is often an outcast from his own kind... If successful, he will enshrine the trophy in a place of honor. This is a more noble and fitting end than dying on some lost and lonely ledge where the scavengers will pick his bones, and his magnificent horns will weather away and be lost forever.”
Elgin Gates, Trophy Hunter in Asia

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