Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Christmas Is About Jesus

Christmas is about Jesus

During the Christmas Season, it's so easy to lose sight;
of what Christmas is about, what happend the 1st holy night.
All the hustle and bustle, of gift-giving madness;
takes aways from the true meaning, the reason for gladness.
It's not about gifts, all the toys, jewelry, or shoes;
it's no wonder why, we are so deeply confused.
It's not about Christmas trees, the decorations or lights;
just more distractions, the confusion incites.
Maybe its Santa Clause, and his little helper elves;
anyone that believes this, is just fooling themselves.
To focus on Christmas, one must get rid of these distractions;
all the glitter and glamour, of these holiday attractions.
Christians would be much better off, if they demanded principle;
stop allowing securlist, to take away from what is biblical.
Stop allowing the media, and any other securlist source;
to decide the outcome, of our most sacred season's course.
Christmas is about Jesus, about a mirculous virgin birth;
about God leaving Heaven, to live as man on Earth.
About a God that gave His only, His own next of kin;
as a perfect sacrifice, to die for our sin.
So let's find the time, to get away from the distraction;
make a little time, for a different course of action.
To get on our knees, and thank God above;
For the gift of Jesus, and His wondrous love.
Christmas is about Jesus, this has always been true;
to make more people aware, is up to me and you.
So put away the many distractions, this Christmas Season;
and let everyone know, that Jesus is the Reason!
by James Apple Jr.

Please join the Good Fight for the Faith and share this poem with others!


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