Wednesday, July 30, 2014

First Christmas Night - A Poem

first christmas night - retrieved from:

First Christmas Night

During the time of King Herod, in the little town of David;
someone special was coming, one the whole world waited.
Mary the virgin mother knew, that nativity comes near;
Where she would find shelter, was very much unclear.
Because of the census, travelers packed the entire town;
Joseph found it hard, to find anyplace to lie down.
No room at the inn, so the only place to rest;
was a cold dirty stable, for God's most sacred blessed.
Over 2,000 years ago, on this first Christmas eve;
lying in hay next to animals, Mary cried and did conceive.
She wrapped Him is swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger;
the place the Savior was born, couldn't be any stranger.
Shepherds were close by, attending to their flock;
something miraculous happened, that caused a great shock.
The angel of the Lord appeared, and rejoicingly proclaimed;
the Savior was born, on this Christmas day!
The Heavenly Host appeared, and suddenly began to sing;
the shepherds must had known, this was more than just a king.
So they traveled to Bethlehem, to see if it really was true;
has a savior finally come, one for me and you!
Just as the angel proclaimed, with their glorious might;
the baby Jesus was found, must have been such a sight.
In a cold stable, under a bright star's light;
the Savior was born, on this first Christmas night!
by James Apple Jr.

Please join the Good Fight for the Faith and share this Christmas poem with others!

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