Let's take a look at 3 Bible verses that address profanity and you can decide for yourself if using profanity is acceptable for a Christian or not.
1. Our words should be pleasing to God.
Psalm 19:14 - May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.In Psalm 19:14, I believe God is telling us that not only is Profanity displeasing to him, but any words that come out of our mouths that could be considered offensive to God or man. I believe we sin many times with our words without the use of profanity, so the use of profanity certainly must be disconcerting to our Lord and a sin.
2. Christian tongues are not meant to praise God and curse men.
Go back and read the first few verses in James 3 and one learns other truths about the tongue other than it is not designed to both praise God and curse man. We learn that the tongue is like a fire and can kindle up anger to the point of causing wars. The tongue causes iniquity and can stir up sinfulness in others. In fact, if Christians are not careful the tongue can defile the entire body and very often leads us into sin. I believe the use of profanity is a sin that also leads us and others into more sin.
3. Every conversation should be full of grace and seasoned with salt.
Salt was very important during the time of Jesus as a man on earth. Not only was salt used to cure and keep food from spoiling, but provided a good taste and made the food inviting to eat. As saints of God, our speech should not only be inviting and pleasing to God, but should always be inviting for everyone else around us. Our speech should always be full of grace and used to attract others, not repel. I believe just the fact of how profanity repels those that believe its use is repulsive alone make the use of profanity a sin because of the foul nature of its use.
Certainly, all of us have sinned many times with the use of our tongues. Let us pray that God gives us the wisdom to recognize when we are saying anything that is offensive to God or others. Personally, I pray for God to give me the patience to think about what I about to say before I say it. Many times I say something without thinking and immediately realize afterwards that what I just said was offensive to God and man.
by James Apple Jr.
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