Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Phil Robertson Victory

Phil Robertson victory - retrieved from: know that this blog is just a tiny pebble in a huge ocean when it comes to effecting the Phil Robertson victory over A&E's suspension of him in Duck Dynasty. But, because of the millions of tiny pebbles all over the world, we (as Christians) were a very big part of building the pressure that would cause A&E to cave and fold-in on their decision.
Of course, most people would say it was just because of the money, and Christians had nothing to do with A&E's decision. Yes, they are partially right! But, they must remember that money would not have been such a factor if Phil Robertson fans would have started dropping their support for him. It's because A&E had no idea that not only would Phil Robertson not lose support from his fans, but would actually start gaining more fans than ever before. Keep in mind, the reason why Phil Robertson stayed so popular is because a overwhelming number of his fans are Christians and believe the same as he does. Another large number of his fans might not agree 100% with what he said, but support his 1st Amendment Rights to free speech.
I think there is another possible reason to why A&E did this. Maybe they are smarter than what most people give them credit for and this whole fiasco was planned. Could be possible that this was a PR move to make Duck Dynasty more popular than ever before? I bet the highest rated TV show in history, is about to become EPIC! I know I can hardly wait to start watching the next season.
I would like to personally thank every one of you that joined this cause. God Bless You All!

by James Apple Jr.

Please join the good fight and share this with others!


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