Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Jesus Is Better Than Santa Claus

jesus is better than santa claus - retrieved from: is better than santa claus - retrieved from:
Other than Jesus is real and Santa is made-up and Jesus is God and Santa is make-believe; here are some more good reasons why Jesus is better than Santa Claus.

Santa lives at the North Pole ... Jesus is everywhere!
Santa comes only once a year ... Jesus is always there when you need Him!
Santa rides in a sleigh ... Jesus walks on water!
Santa sneaks into your house through the chimney ... Jesus stands at the door and knocks!
Santa fills your stockings with goodies ... Jesus fulfills your every need!
Santa can only been seen by waiting in a line ... Jesus lives in your heart and is always available!
Santa lets you sit in his lap ... Jesus lets you rest in His arms and carries you when needed!
Santa must ask you what your name is ... Jesus knew your name before you were born!
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly ... Jesus has a heart full of love!
Santa only has little helpers that make toys ... Jesus personally heals lives and makes peace!
Santa may make you laugh ... Jesus gives an everlasting joy that is your strength!
Santa puts gifts under a tree ... Jesus died on a tree for your sins!
All you have to do is believe and take hold of the eternal life that has been paid for you by Jesus!

by James Apple Jr.

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