Thursday, July 31, 2014

Puppies and Politics

One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see! - John 9:25
puppies and politicsPresident Obama is out running around the White House because he is late for a meeting when he sees one of his staff with a box.
He runs over to the employee and asks, "What's in the box?"
The startled employee says, "Puppies, we found them abandoned on the White House grounds and looking for a good home for them."
Obama says, "Oh! OK, what kind of puppies are they?"
"Democrats," the man says. "Wow, you must be a supporter, great job!", then the president runs off.
The next day, President Obama is with Joe Biden and sees the same man with the box. He tells Joe, "You gotta see this, come with me!"
Puppies and PoliticsObama and Biden run over to the man and the president asks, "What kind of puppies are they?"
The man replies, "Republicans." "Woe, woe, woe!" Obama screams, "Just yesterday you said they were Democrats, what's going on here?"
"Well," , the employee says, "Their eyes just opened this morning."
"You're fired!" said the president.

by James Apple Jr.

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