Did you know that Christian persecution is an epidemic problem throughout the entire world? Many Americans do not realize this because they are blessed to live in one of the few places in the world that is relatively free to worship as you want without fear. But, in most other places throughout the world; Christians are not so fortunate. In countries that practice Sharia Law, Christians face severe persecution and many are killed every day.
Below, is a few statistics from opendoorusa.org.
However, do not let the false impression of freedom of religion in American fool you, Christian persecution in America is alive and well. Brothers and sisters in Christ, if there was ever a time to stand up and fight the good fight for the faith; it is now! We are continually hounded by the liberals to be accepting toward everyone, especially those of Muslim faith. However, every day Christian persecution is rising and even becoming a socially accepted norm for Americans.
The America culture now animatedly protects the rights and feelings of Muslims, but it's increasingly becoming socially acceptable to stomp on the rights of Christians, Catholics, and Jews. It like a snake-eating-its-tail. America, a Christian founded country is now turning on and destroying itself!
If you don't believe this is true, just take a few minutes and search the internet for "Christian persecution in America". It's more than just bible verses and nativity scenes being removed from the public arena. Real people are losing their jobs and basically becoming social outcasts because of their Christian faith. They are being labeled bigots and right-winged extremists because they believe the Bible should still be taught in schools. This list goes on and on. And to top it all off, you will hear very little to nothing about these stories from the main lame-stream media unless of course it has to do with Muslim persecution.
Please join me in prayer and let's all do our part to make everyone aware of the Christian persecution going on throughout the world.
by James Apple Jr.
Below, is a few statistics from opendoorusa.org.
- 75% of the world live in an area with severe religious restrictions
Photo Credit: http://lp.opendoorsusa.org
- 100 million Christians are persecuted worldwide
Photo Credit: http://lp.opendoorsusa.org
- In 60+ countries the Christian church is being persecution
Photo Credit: http://lp.opendoorsusa.org
Please join me in prayer and let's all do our part to make everyone aware of the Christian persecution going on throughout the world.
by James Apple Jr.
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