Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Who Is Jesus?

who is Jesus?Jesus was and still is one of the most influential people who ever lived. Even most atheist believed that Jesus was a real person that once lived on earth.
But, when you think of Jesus, do you think of the man who once was or the God that lived in man-form that still is?
In the words of Saint Matthew, do you believe "Surely he was the Son of God!" Matthew 27:54 NIV ?
Is Jesus not just some famous person from history, but a God that you have a personal relation with and whom you depend on for help in you daily life? Is Jesus worthy to be praised, so you make a special attempt to worship each Sunday?
Most importantly, is Jesus a Savior you believe died on the cross at Cavalry for your sins, defeated Satan (death), rose again on the 3rd day, and now sits at the right-hand of God almighty for eternity?
The name Jesus or Joshua literally means Jehovah saves and Christ means the anointed one. Do you believe this literal meaning of the name Jesus Christ is a reality?
1 Corinthians 15 teaches us that through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, His defeat of death became the centerpiece of God the Father's redeeming plan for all of mankind. Do you believe this is true?
Apart from being the Son of God and Savior of the world, who is Jesus? What else do we know about Him?
Jesus is a miracle worker. The Bible alone points to at least 33 recorded miracles He performed while on earth. But, by no means was these 33 the only miracles He performed.
who is Jesus - retrieved from: http://www.markfulton.orgJohn 21:25 - Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
Amazing, if this was true for the time he was on earth in man-form. Would this not be even more true for a Jesus that sits on the throne of God? Not only was Jesus a miracle worker in the time of Saint John, but is very alive and still a miracle worker today!
Jesus is also the greatest story-teller of all time. The bible records 18 major parables and His sermon on the mount in Matthew 5 is the most famous sermon in the world. Why is Jesus such a great story-teller. Because he is both intimate with God and with man. His unmatched first-hand knowledge of God's love and understanding of man put together makes it possible for Him to connect with our inner spirits like no other.
God allow bad things to happen to good people - Retrieved from: http://www.ericarmusik.comSo, who is Jesus? I believe that Jesus is God, but more than just a God. Because He lived amongst us for 33 years in human-form and went through the same problems, pains, and temptations that we face everyday. He is a God that understands us perfectly. He is Love everlasting and always forgiving. He is our Lord, but also our friend and wants to have an intimate relationship with each and every one of us.
How much is Jesus worth? The gift of eternal life He gives to us is priceless, but the cost to us is 100% free.
You see, each of us possess a gift that Jesus wants from us that is priceless to him.
Our love and faith!

by James Apple Jr.

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