Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Evolution Vs God

Evolution vs God - retrieved from: http://www.wnd.com/files/2013/07/EvolutionVsGod-340x149.jpg

Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Evolution vs God

I believe this new movie "Evolution vs God" is going to set the Christian and Scientist circles on fire! Almost immediately after release online, this 38 minute short-film caused evangelical leader Ray Comfort's website to crash because of the high demand of people wanting to download the $19.99 digital MP4 version of the film. At times, there were over 1,000 people trying to download Ray's film at the same time. Click this link to go to website and download the film.
Evololution vs God - retrieved from: https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/2449561167/image.jpg
Ray Comfort
The huge response for this film shows that the demand for "Evolution vs God" proves just how interested people are in the subject. Ray Comfort said "I believe it's going to take down evolution. It exposes it as bogus science. That sounds like a bold claim, but it's true. The movie delivers, and it's not just our claim."
Although "Evolution vs God" has many supporters and has been endorsed by many very popular Christian leaders and theologians, it seems that just about as many of his now more than 300,000 followers on Facebook are non-believers that are voicing their apparent concerns and making their fears very clear.
Why are so many Atheist and other non-believers so upset over this short-film? Comfort said it is because, "“Some are angry because evolution is their doorway to all sorts of sinful delights — because if there’s no God and no moral accountability, anything goes ... So this movie is a huge threat to them.”
Truth be told, the reason why they are so upset is because it turns their own argument against them. Many atheists mock Christians for being what the like to call "weak-minded" for believing in something that goes against science.
"Evolution vs God" exposes the "bogus-science" behind evolution and how it too relies on nothing more than "blind faith."
Atheist's reliance of science as an excuse not to believe in God is destroyed and no longer a valid argument.
I believe that in order to believe in Evolution, one must have more faith than a Christian because of the overwhelming impossible odds that something as complex as even one single cell and life happening by mere chance.
For me, it is much easier to believe that such a miraculously beautiful and complex world came from a creator that is even more so!
"Evolution vs God" world-wide debut is today in Sevierville, Tennessee. I encourage Christians everywhere to support this film.
Please join me in prayer that this film will bring many unbelievers to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!

by James Apple Jr.

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