Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I See God In Everything

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4:13)

I See God In Everything

I don't understand how so many are blind,
Unable to see God in the world He designed,
For me it's as clear as me looking at you,
I see God in everything, from my field of view.
Not just in Heaven and the Stars up above,
But everything He made has a signature of His love,
From the smallest microbe to the beasts of the sea,
I see God in everything, to include you and me.
Some say God doesn't speak to them ever at all,
But that's only because they hide behind a wall,
Just drop your earthy barrier and you will hear too,
I see God in everything, especially in you.
Just as I was looking at your one-of-a-kind face,
A truth came to me about the entire human race,
If you still can't see God and you want Him to be clearer,
I see God in everything, just look in the mirror.
See God In Everything

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