Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Do You Know My Jesus?

do you know my Jesus

Luke 9:26 - If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.

Do You Know My Jesus?

Do you know my Jesus?
Have you seen Him ride
Seated on a donkey’s colt,
Through the countryside?
People came to greet Him,
They waved their branches high
They sang praises to the King of Kings,
Who was about to die.
Do you know my Jesus?
Have you seen Him pray?
In the garden on His knees,
He had but one more day.
For us He bowed His head,
For us the drops did flow.
His sweat came forth as blood
His pain we can not know.
Do you know my Jesus?
They put Him on a cross
I could not bear to see Him there,
To feel such pain and loss.
The clouds began to darken
The day was turned to night.
His face was hidden from us.
He fought with all His might
Do you know my Jesus?
They placed Him in a tomb
I did not know if I could live.
My world was filled with gloom.
But what is this? Oh can it be!
He has risen from the dead!
The tomb could not contain Him.
We have victory instead!
Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!
My Savior lives today!
He has crossed the great divide
He has made a way!
With His blood He paid the price
Our sins have been forgiven!
And by His grace we will spend
Eternity in Heaven!
Do you know my Jesus?
Have you heard His call?
Do you walk beside Him?
Have you given Him your all?
by Joan Curtin
If this poem blessed you and you know someone who needs a blessing today, please pass a blessing their way!

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